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Banyuwangi Regent Provides Assistance to Toddlers Who Are Victims of Abuse from Stepmother and Biological Father –

Banyuwangi Regent Provides Assistance to Toddlers Who Are Victims of Abuse from Stepmother and Biological Father –
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Journalist Report Tribune Jatim Network, Aflahul Abidin

TRIBUNJATIM.COM, BANYUWANGI – Pemkab Banyuwangi bergerak cepat melakukan pendampingan pada bocah 3 tahun korban dugaan penganiayaan oleh ibu tiri dan ayah kandung di Desa Tampo, Cluring District.

Selain memastikan korban telah mendapatkan perawatan untuk kesehatan fisiknya, pemkab juga memberikan pendampingan psikologis untuk memulihkan kondisi kejiwaannya. Semua biaya pengobatan ditanggung Pemkab Banyuwangi,” said Banyuwangi Regent Ipuk Fiestiandani.

Ipuk mengaku prihatin dan miris dengan peristiwa tersebut. Ipuk has ordered the relevant agencies to continue monitoring the child's development.

“I have asked the relevant agencies and the Community Health Center to continue to monitor developments in this case. Starting from physical to psychological health of children. It is also seen that when the family is in financial difficulty, they give help with the empowerment program,” said Ipuk.

Ditambahkan Kepala Dinas Sosial Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Keluarga Berancana, Henik Setyorini, Psychological assistance has been carried out intensively so that victims do not experience trauma.

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“Psikolog sudah terjun sejak Senin lalu dan akan terus melakukan pendampingan sampai kondisi psikologis korban benar-benar pulih. Kita berharap korban tidak sampai mengalami traumatis. All costs are borne by the district government,” kata Henik, Wednesday (11/9/2024).

Henik added, Women and Children Protection Task Force (PPA) kembali turun ke lapangan, untuk melakukan asesment komprehensif terkait kasus tersebut.

Apart from seeing the progress of the victim's condition, The team also took an inventory of the victim's needs for health and mental recovery, also related to family conditions.

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"For example, if economically it really needs help, Later we will propose social assistance or empowerment programs to improve the economy,Urai Henik.

Dugaan penganiayaan tersebut terjadi pada Jumat (6/9/2024).

Akibat kasus tersebut korban mengalami luka dan memar hampir di sekujur tubuh yang diduga dilakukan oleh ibu tiri dan ayah kandungnya.

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Mendapatkan informasi tersebut, sang ibu langsung menjemput putranya yang selama ini tinggal bersama ayah dan ibu tiri.

Sang ibu langsung membawanya ke puskesmas terdekat untuk mendapatkan perawatan. Kemudian melaporkan kasus tersebut ke pihak kepolisian. At the moment, kasus tersebut sudah ditangani oleh pihak kepolisian setempat.

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"Currently the victim is with his biological mother and we will continue to monitor his progress,” pungkas Henik.

Henik also emphasized this, The district government continues to strive to suppress and combat cases of violence against children and women.

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PPKB Social Services together with various parties continue to collaborate to provide education and outreach to prevent child violence.

“Kita juga mempunyai layanan Ruang Rindu yang bersifat komprehensif. Program ini memberikan konseling dan pendampingan hukum, medical, and psychosocial for women and children victims of violence. As well as an economic independence program for women victims of violence,” jelas Henik.