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Traffic Accidents at Intersections 4 Blokagung, One Person Dies

Traffic Accidents at Intersections 4 Blokagung, One Person Dies
A traffic accident occurred at the intersection of four main roads leading to the Darussalam Islamic Boarding School, Blokagung, Karangdoro Village, Tegalsari District, Banyuwangi. Photo : Jaenuddin – Sebuah kecelakaan lalu lintas terjadi di simpang empat Jalan Raya menuju Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Blokagung, Karangdoro Village, Tegalsari District, Banyuwangi, on Thursday, (9/1) around 17.00 WIB. Insiden tersebut melibatkan dua sepeda motor, yaitu Honda Beat dengan nomor polisi P 3558 RW dan Honda Scoopy nomor polisi P 2091 AND.

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