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Cruel! Disagree with the Child's Name, Husband in Wongsorejo Kicks His Wife

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BANYUWANGI – Aji Purnomo, men 26 year of Krajan hamlet, Alasbuluh Village, Wongsorejo District, Banyuwangi Regency is forced to deal with the authorities, after being reported related to domestic violence cases (Domestic violence).

Aji Purnomo was reported for molesting his legal wife Siti Maulida Agustin. Women 22 That year, he experienced bruises and bruises in his eyes after being kicked by the perpetrators because they did not agree on the name of the child..

Wongsorejo Police Chief Iptu Kusmin said:, This domestic violence started from this couple's quarrel. The question is the child's name. After that, victim enters the bedroom. After a few minutes, Aji Purnomo came and kicked Siti in the face.

“The kick hit the eye causing bruises and bruises on the victim's eye,” clear Kusmin, Friday (27/4/18).

After that, Siti was told to stay in the room. About an hour later, The victim's mother-in-law came and asked what happened. After knowing what happened, The mother-in-law of the victim actually threatened to report the victim to the police if she dared to take her child home. For fear, Siti is silent. He also did not dare to leave the house.

Until finally a few days later, The victim's parents came to the house. Their arrival to visit his sick grandson. Seeing the condition of the victim who suffered bruises, The victim's parents immediately asked the cause.

“The victim narrated all the incidents and finally reported the incident to the police,” he said.

Aji Purnomo's violence took place last March. But the new victim reported to 20 last April. Polisi kemudian melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap korban dan saksi-saksi yang mengetahui kejadian tersebut.

Setelah pemeriksaan saksi-saksi sudah lengkap, polisi mengamankan Aji. Dia pun mengakui perbuatannya. Dengan dua bukti permulaan yang cukup, polisi kemudian menetapkan Aji sebagai tersangka.

Dia kami jerat dengan pasal 5 huruf a Jo pasal 44 verse 1 UU RI No 23 Year 2004 tentang penghapusan Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga,” he concluded.