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Drought Worsens in Banyuwangi: It is suspected that Jogo Tirto was buying and selling aid water at high prices

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BANYUWANGI, Jurnalnews – This year's summer has gone beyond normal, This resulted in a number of rice fields being affected by drought because river water did not reach the land. sadly, This incident was exploited by a number of unscrupulous water distribution officers, known as jogo tirto, to sell government-owned stored water to farmers.

This incident occurred in Curahjati Hamlet, Grajagan village, Purwoharjo District, Banyuwangi, East Java, as reported by a local resident.

"At our place, a jogo tirto sells clean water from government aid at a price of one hour 25 thousand, to farmers," he said.

These actions not only reflect a disregard for people's basic needs, but it also violates laws governing the distribution of clean water and misuse of public resources.

General Chair of the NGO Pendopo Semar Nusantara, Uny Saputra explained that in this case the Banyuwangi regional government is expected to investigate and take firm action against Jogo Tirto individuals involved in the illegal sale of clean water..

“Increasing supervision of the distribution of clean water aided by the government to ensure that the water reaches the correct targets. It's not even being sold, especially if the perpetrators are playing tirto, This needs to be dealt with firmly whatever the reason,he explained.

According to him, It is quite clear that Law No 23 Year 2014 on Regional Government, namely, the distribution of clean water is the responsibility of local governments to meet community needs.

Therefore,”tindakan menjual air bersih bantuan pemerintah oleh oknum tertentu merupakan pelanggaran serius terhadap kewajiban," he explained.

Uny, menambahkan selain itu, undang-undang Nomor 32 Year 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup juga mengatur pengelolaan sumber daya air.

“menjual air bersih secara ilegal dapat merugikan ekosistem dan menciptakan ketidakseimbangan dalam distribusi air, maka pemerintah harus bersikap tegas jika ada hal seperti ini, apa lagi yang saya dengar warga sempat melaporkan kejadian ini kepada kepala desa tapi sama sekali tidak direspon,” kata Uny Saputra kepada

It adds, mohon perhatian dari masyarakat untuk segera melaporkan setiap kejadian yang mirip, baik itu terkait air dari tandon bantuan pemerintah atau air yang diambil dari sungai dengan pembayaran kepada petugas. Laporan ini sangat penting agar tindakan preventif dapat segera dilakukan oleh pihak berwajib. (Rony//JN).


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