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The Minister of Trade Monitors the Smooth Logistics on the Java-Bali Sea Route

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BANYUWANGI – Menteri Perdagangan (Minister of Trade) Enggartiasto Lukita directly monitors the smooth distribution of sea logistics connecting Java and Bali, by boarding a Passenger Motor Boat (km²) Satya Kencana, Wednesday (9/5/2018) yesterday.

Monitor directly at the Lake River and Crossing Transportation port (ASDP) the ketapang, carried out to ensure the availability of stocks of basic commodities to meet the needs of the community during the fasting month and Idul Fitri.

Minister Enggartiasto Lukita said, monitoring is carried out to ensure the speed of logistics distribution time from Java to Bali or vice versa, by experiencing directly the sea lanes in the Bali Strait, which is commonly used as a logistics goods transportation route.

“Saya ingin merasakan dan memastikan secara langsung kecepatan waktu, as well as communicate directly with truck drivers transporting staple goods,” ungkap Mendag Enggar.

Trade Minister Enggartiasto added that in addition to ensuring timeliness, he wanted to know firsthand, the loading and unloading process carried out at the port that connects Java and Bali, so that the traffic of goods, especially staple goods, runs smoothly.

“Banyak kebutuhan pokok di Bali yang dipasok dari Jawa, until the distribution is smooth, automatically, can reduce price hikes, which exceeds the limit of reasonableness,added Enggartiasto Lukita.

The visit was not only carried out on the Java-Bali track, but in all provinces in Indonesia, so that the availability of staple food needs in the regions, during Ramadhan and Lebaran is really smooth, and there are no price spikes.

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