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Dream of being given a turtledove by Grandpa in a turban

UNIQUE: Raphael with his mother, Leny and an aunt, Herly.

The strangeness of crystal saliva on toddler Rafael Putra Hariyadi makes many people curious. Residents began to visit his grandfather's house on Jalan Penataran III number 8 Banyuwangi to see the incident.
-AGUS BAIHAQI, Banyuwangi-

AT A GLANCE there is nothing special about Rafael Putra Hariyadi. As in babies under the age of five (news) other, This boy loves to play and is quite active. The movement is quite agile, and often makes gemes who see it.

Raphael who is still old 1,1 That year is a brave and not shy child. In people who are just first seen, he can immediately get along and not be afraid. The funny thing, This kid is also good at style when his picture is taken. “Ever won a photogenic competition in Malang,said Leny Marlina, his biological mother.

So far, Leny Marlina with her husband Hariyadi, live in Malang Regency. But since a few days ago, This couple moved to Banyuwangi and lived at Leny's parents' house on Jalan Penataran Gg III Banyuwangi. Finding Rafael's grandparents' house in Banyuwangi is also not too difficult. street signage, gang, and the house number is also clearly written.

And now, The locals are also familiar with this magical child whose saliva can turn into this crystal. "Rafael was taken back to Banyuwangi by his mother,said Herly David, Leny Marlina's younger sister. Even though it's still a few days in Banyuwangi, it turns out that many are looking for Rafael. While still in Malang, this guest is never lonely.

“Someone came right away, also someone contacted me first and came,"said Herly, the lawyer. People who come have various purposes. Besides just looking, there are also guests who ask for their saliva for treatment. "I don't know if medicine can be made or not", but someone asked,"explained Leny Marlina.

While still in Malang, one of the biologists from Brawijaya University (Unibraw) It's unfortunate to mention, Rafael's saliva contains calcium and silicon. "Raphael's saliva was studied by biologists from Unibraw,he explained. About the beginning of Rafael's strangeness, his parents don't know for sure.

Since pregnant, Leny felt that she never had any inkling. "My husband even had that feeling,said Leny. This strange hunch happened when Leny was still pregnant with baby Rafael. When you are three months pregnant, Hariyadi dreams of being visited by a grandfather wearing a white turban. “An old man came in all-white clothes,said Hariyadi.

When you meet in a dream, The grandfather who is considered strange doesn't speak the same
once. Only, the old man gave him a white dove. "I thought it was just an ordinary dream, and i never thought," he said. Rafael's birth time didn't show any strange behavior either, His behavior is no different from normal babies.

Only one year old, there is something strange about her saliva turning into crystals. “Raphael was born on the night of Friday Legi, and the saliva that turned into crystals was also on the night of Jumat Legi," he said.(radar)

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