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Paragliding Donates Bronze to Banyuwangi

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Provincial Sports Week (Porprov) VIII East Java year 2023 ends today, Saturday (16/09/2023). Four Regencies/Cities, namely Sidoarjo Regency, Mojokerto, Mojokerto City and Jombang Regency, hosts biannual sporting events. Banyuwangi Regency did not miss out on sending contingents from several sports. One of them is Paragliding.

This relatively new sport in the district at the eastern tip of Java Island sent four athletes, namely Nuril Laroibafih, Adryanus Gerardus Abraham Mambo, Venus Cornellia Liberty and Jessica Ingrid Kansil. The four Banyuwangi mainstay aerospace sports athletes, have to compete against 18 East Java Regency/City at the Bukit Watu Bayang Paragliding Venue, Klangon Village, Saradan Madiun District.

From 4 contested class, male and female individual accuracy, team accuracy, and Cross Country (XC) sons and daughters. Jessica dan venus, two Banyuwangi paragliding pilots were able to donate bronze from the women's team cross-country class.

Salikul Imam, The chairman of Banyuwangi Regency Paragliding expressed his appreciation and congratulations to all athletes who have persistently fought for the good name of Banyuwangi.

“Congratulations and thank you for the efforts of all paragliding athletes. You have given your best to Banyuwangi, said Salikul.

The father of two also expressed his thanks to the parties who have supported Banyuwangi paragliding athletes to compete in Porprov.

” Representing the Banyuwangi paragliding management, I also thank the head of FASI Banyuwangi, Head of Kalibaruwetan Village, Kalibaru Insect House which has supported the progress of paragliding, " he concluded. (Abe)


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