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Death Punch Perpetrator Arrested

Andri Nurdiansyah
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Andri Nurdiansyah

GLAGAH – Gerak cepat aparat Polsek Glagah dalam memburu tersangka penganiayaan yang mengakibatkan korban meregang nyawa membuahkan hasil. In less than 12 jam, The police managed to apprehend the perpetrators of the violence.

The suspect in the "death fist" is Andri Nurdiansyah, 26, Residents of Krajan Lingkungan, Banjarsari Village, Glagah District. The information that was successfully collected by journalists from Jawa Pos Radar Banyuwangi mentioned, The success of the authorities in uncovering the identity of the perpetrator was thanks to the testimony of a number of eyewitnesses.

Before hitting Kholik Bahtiar, 23, until he fell off the motorbike and died on Jalan Widuri, Banjarsari Village, The suspect admitted that he was a local resident. A number of witnesses managed to identify the physical characteristics of the suspect.

Especially, when hitting, the suspect who also rode the motorcycle was not wearing a helmet. The police moved quickly to hunt down the suspect. Finally, slender young man, tanned skin, and the spiky hair could easily be caught Sunday afternoon (28/10).

Glagah Police Chief AKP Jupriadi acknowledged, his party has arrested the suspect of abuse which resulted in the victim dying. "Shortly after the incident, We immediately examined a number of eye witnesses, including the victim's colleagues. Based on the testimony of the witnesses, we managed to catch him (Andrew),” he said when confirmed at the Glagah Police yesterday (29/10).

Kapolsek Jupriadi explained this, The heartbreaking incident that befell Kholik was caused by offense. Just before the beating, Some of the victim's colleagues drove motorbikes, causing a lot of noise. Andri, who ran into the group of victims, did not accept that his surroundings were being made a noise. Andri immediately turned the vehicle around.

At that moment, he immediately threw raw fists into the victim's face until the victim fell from the motorbike. "The incident was motivated by offense. even though, from the statements of the victims, they were just trying to avoid the potholes,”pa parnya. According to Jupriadi, before hitting the victim, The suspect had consumed liquor (you look) in one of the karaoke places in Banyuwangi.

The irony, the same thing was also done by the victim and eight of his colleagues. Before going around town riding a number of motorbikes, the victim and his colleagues also held a drinking party in the Boom Beach area, Banyuwangi. “It could be because the victim's physical condition is weak after consuming alcohol, The victim immediately fell from the motorbike when he was hit by the perpetrator,"explained the police chief. Jupriadi added, when he fell off the motorbike, The victim's head hit the asphalt causing bleeding in the brain.

more, when it happened, victims who live on Jalan Kembang Waru, Karangrejo Village, it's not wearing a helmet. “Autopsy results, The cause of death was bleeding in the brain. The victim's cheek was only bruised," he concluded. Previously reported, fate befell Kholik Bahtiar. The young man died due to a brain hemorrhage. The disaster was triggered by an unidentified person's fistfight which resulted in the victim falling from a motorcycle at around 10:00 a.m 23.00 last Saturday (27/10).

at that time, the victim and eight of his colleagues traveled around the city on several motorbikes. Arriving around the Warata Hotel, Banjarsari Village, Glagah District, Kholik, who was riding on the back of a colleague, was suddenly hit by an unknown person who was passing from the opposite direction. Aki batnya, The victim fell from the motorcycle to lie on the asphalt. Strong conjecture, the incident was triggered by offense due to some of the victim's colleagues riding his motorcycle. (radar)

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