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Thousands of Children with Special Needs Banyuwangi Demonstrate Each Other's Creations and Achievements

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BANYUWANGI – Pemkab Banyuwangi menggelar Festival Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (abb) which is followed more than 1.500 disabled children at Sabha Swagata Pendopo Banyuwangi, Tuesday (27/2/2018).

During the festival, they show off their creations, displaying their talents and skills. Some are masterminds, play chess, dance, to become a storyteller.

“Festival ini menjadi ajang unjuk keterampilan dari anak-anak penyandang disabilitas. They showcase various talents to the public. We see how cool these kids are,” ujar Bupati Banyuwangi Abdullah Azwar Anas kepada wartawan.

this festival, it's clear, is part of community-based rehabilitation. The district government has also allocated special scholarships for outstanding achievements for the past four years.

“Banyak di antara mereka yang berprestasi. There is Dedi Mizwar who won the national level Literacy Competition this year 2017, also Wahyono, the best qori national level. Ada juga Eko Wahyu Prasetyo yang berhasil menyabet sebagai ‘Dalang’ terbaik tingkat Jawa Timur. We all deserve and appreciate them,Said Anas.

Festival of Children with Special Needs (abb) filled with their own creativity and expertise. As did Nizam Pengstu Hidayatullah, a Banyuwangi State SDLB student who was engrossed in playing chess against a visitor.

Nizam who is blind looks serious in thought before moving his chess pieces. Nizam plays chess with the help of sound when the position of the chess pieces is moved. “Susah sekali mau skak, My opponent is strong," he said.

After thinking for a moment, Nizam felt the pawn and moved it. This chess board for the blind is specially made, the base is perforated and the white and black boards are given different mats.

Apart from Nizam, there is a group of children with special needs from SLB PGRI Banyuwangi consisting of mentally disabled people, the deaf and the blind collaborate beautifully in presenting a shadow puppet show. Someone is playing a puppeteer, others accompanied by dancing and singing.

Present at this festival artist Dewi Yull who is an Ambassador for Disabilities. Dewi is present to give motivation to the children, parents and teachers about the best parenting patterns for children with special needs based on their experience.

For Goddess Yull, these children with special needs are special children, they have extraordinary talent and potential.

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