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Welcome Moto GP in Lombok, Ketapang-Lembar Add Trip Route

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GREET MOTOGP: The ship bound for Ketapang-Lembar docks at Tanjung Wangi Port, Banyuwangi. (Ramada Kusuma/ – Pelaksanaan event Moto GP yang rencananya akan digelar di Sirkuit Mandalika, Central Lombok in March is predicted to increase the number of transportation users to Lombok Island. The Ketapang ASDP Port is no exception. Ships with the aim of Ketapang Sheet is predicted to be the preferred mode of transportation for people who will come to Lombok Island.

Head of DPD Gapasdap East Java, Sunaryo said, his party predicts there is a potential increase in passengers on the Ketapang-Lembar route approaching the implementation of the Moto GP on Lombok Island in March. His party has started to carry out maintenance of ships that pass on the Ketapang-Lembar Line. “Persiapan perawatan dan perbaikan fasilitas sementara ini kita lakukan. There is potential for many VIP guests to travel overland using ships,he explained.

There are five ships operating on the Ketapang-Lembar route, namely KMP Dharma Ferry IX, KMP Jambo X, KMP Tunu Pratama, and KMP Swana Cakra. The five ships operate from the Ketapang and Lembar sides. Within a week there are three trips serving trips from each port. Sunario added, if later the frequency of passengers increases ahead of the implementation of Moto GP, the number of crossing trips on the route can be added.

“Sebelumnya saat proses pembangunan sirkuit sudah ada beberapa kendaraan trailer pembawa material yang naik dari Ketapang. Until the superbike implementation at that time,” kata Sunaryo.

Most likely, he said, is to add one more trip per day. That is even if the number of passengers to Lombok increases. So in a week there are four boat trips that serve trips from Ketapang to Lembar and vice versa.

Currently, the frequency of passengers for the Ketapang-Lembar trip is still dominated by logistics vehicles with an average number 30 vehicle on each trip. Ships with the destination of Sheet itself are usually able to bring it up 500 passenger and 40 four-wheel vehicle. “Nanti kita cek dulu bagaimana demand-nya. If we feel it is necessary to add it, we will add it. Currently not visible, maybe when it's close to implementation," he concluded.

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