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Three trucks burned down

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ROGOJAMPI – Gudang penyimpanan bahan bangunan milik Julianto, 55, in the hamlet of Kebalen Kidul, Lemahbang Dewo village, Rogojampi Kecamatan District, burned down last Wednesday night (6/1). Three trucks parked around the warehouse also caught fire.

The fire that burned down the warehouse and three trucks is thought to have come from rubbish that was burned during the day. The location for burning rubbish is close to one of the parked trucks. “The fire from the rubbish burned the wheels of the truck, then the fire grew,” explained the Head of the Rogojampi Police, Police Commissioner Toha Choiri.

The fire that occurred in a warehouse containing building materials was discovered at around 12:00 p.m 23.00. At that time one of the warehouse guards, Junaidi, 47, saw a fire burning in the warehouse. After being approached, The fire had spread and burned the truck loaded with ceramics.

“The guard immediately reported the police, and we immediately launched,He said. The police chief said when his members arrived at the fire location, many people had gathered. But, they couldn't enter because the gate was locked tightly.

Several times there were sounds of explosions coming from inside the burning warehouse. "Citizens managed to enter the warehouse to help extinguish the fire," he said. Around 30 minutes later, three fire trucks (firefighter) arrived at the scene.

When the firefighters arrived, three trucks which were all transporting ceramics had burned down. “The three trucks just arrived. It is planned that the ceramics that were transported will be dismantled on Thursday morning (yesterday)," he said.

Firefighters had to fight against the red rooster which continued to rage. For three hours they fought to put out the fire. Just around 02.00 The fire that burned the warehouse and three trucks was successfully extinguished.

"The fire had time to grow,He said. Interim investigation results, The fire that burned down the warehouse came from plastic waste that was deliberately burned during the day. The location for burning rubbish is close to three parked trucks.

"It is currently suspected that the fire was caused by burning rubbish, then the fire burned the truck wheels," he said. About the loss due to the fire, The police chief said that based on information from the warehouse owner, the total loss was around Rp 300 million.

“No casualties, but the warehouse and three trucks containing ceramics were destroyed by fire," he said. (radar)

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