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More Festive Traditional Hiking

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GAMBIRAN – Kemerianhan gerak jalan tradisional 45 kilometer (Km) who started in the village field / Gambiran sub-district, Banyuwangi has been seen since yesterday afternoon (29/8). All the way from the field to the Jajag area was filled with community activities to enliven the August final event.

Java Post Radar Banyuwangi monitoring yesterday, dozens of trucks and pickups were seen plying around the site since noon. Generally these vehicles contain audio devices. The streets in the former Yos cafe area were filled with these vehicles.

Meanwhile, Residents who live around the start area do not want to be left behind. They also enlivened the event by holding entertainment at a number of points. One of them is the Pari Kuning art group whose members are educational staff in Gambiran District (PGRI Gambiran District).

During the event, stage to- art located in Krajan, Gambiran village, it presents Banyuwangi songs. Sunyoto from the Pari Kuning arts said, his side since 14. 00 has been stand by at the location.

All the arts personnel, from pengrawit to wiyogo, he is an active teacher in Gambiran District. "We are all teachers from elementary to high school. since 14.00 kita sudah mulai.” ucapnya. Meanwhile, at the former Yoscafe T-junction, Sidorejo Hamlet youths, Yososmulyo Village, also perform a series of artistic attractions.

They carry ornaments in the form of averse- ogoh and also playing bale ganjur music. Hempriyanto, 27, one of the participants reluctantly confessed, the attraction involves 70 people as bearers as well as dancers. That's because the weight of the ogoh-ogoh reaches 90 kilogram.

“Ini melibatkan sekitar 70 member," he said. This ogoh-ogoh attraction attracted the attention of the regent and regional leadership group when they crossed the intersection. Meanwhile, the atmosphere at the start line is quite crowded. Counted as much 168 Team group participants registered for the event.

Not to mention the excited participants who didn't leave from the start. Meanwhile, until this news is written 19.00 last night individual registrants reached the number above 900 and approaching 1000 person. “Ini kalau peserta perorangan nanti jelas tembus angka seribu, But,” ucap Reza, 20, one of the traditional walking committees.

Meanwhile the participants had various motivations in participating in the event. Haris Effendi, 28, participants from Sumbersari Village, Srono . District, said that his participation with the youth group at the mosque was because previously they had won a village hike. Yesterday we won three, so this time I'm excited to come again," he said.

Another case with Finky Bella, 14, a grade VIII student at SMPN Srono. He admitted that he deliberately followed individually out of curiosity and trial and error. He admitted that he did not aim to finish and chose to stop at home. “Kita pengen asyik saja, but we stop at the house in Srono, not finished," he said. (radar)

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