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Lampon Fishermen Demonstrate Against Minister Susi's Policy

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Grajagan fishermen urge the removal of KP Minister Susi Pudjiastuti and Ministerial Decree no 56 year 2016 at Grajagan Harbor, Purwoharjo District.

Meanwhile, Demonstrations were also carried out by fishermen who live on Lampon Beach, Violation, yesterday. They demanded the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KP) Susi Pudjiastuti and the revocation of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation (KP Candy) number 56 year 2016 regarding changes to Ministerial Regulation No. KP 1 and 2 year 2015 regarding the prohibition on catching lobster seeds (benur), crab and crab.

In that action, Residents put up banners rejecting the KP Ministerial Regulation which prohibits catching fry from in front of the Pesanggaran Village/District Office to Lampon Beach which is about seven kilometers away..

This action is not only followed by men, children and mothers also took to the streets. Action coordinator, Suharsono, 51, said that the action carried out demanded the KP Ministerial Regulation of the year 2015 number 1 and 2 regarding the prohibition on catching lobster seeds (benur), crab and crab, and updated with KP Ministerial Regulation number 56 year 2016 to be revoked immediately.

“Kami minta aturan yang melarang pencarian benur dicabut,He said. According to Suharsono, KP Minister's policy, Susi Pudjiastuti who prohibited the trade and hunting of fry, impact on the welfare of small fishermen. Because there are those rules, fishermen looking for fry have difficulty selling their catch because many traders have been arrested by the police.

“Kalau pembeli ditangkapi polisi, which is detrimental to fishermen," he said. Suharsono said, Catching these fry is quite easy for fishermen, both in terms of cost and safety of fishermen.

Not only that, The method used to catch fry is also very environmentally friendly because it only requires a lamp and waring or coconut frond fibers.. “Menangkapnya malam, and come home in the morning," he said.

When using fry cultivation business, Suharsono said it was very difficult to do. Besides taking a long time, the costs involved are also quite high. “Untuk budidaya benur itu butuh waktu sampai delapan bulan sampai setahun, the costs that must be paid each year can be Rp 50 thousand per head,he explained.

For fishermen, light him, Catching fry is considered safer than fishing. Only approx 100 meters from the shoreline, fishermen can already get fry. And it, can be done by small and large fishermen.

“Kalau mencari ikan bisa sampai puluhan kilometer dari pantai," he said. Suharsono said, Number candy 56 year 2016 which is required to be revoked, it is considered not to fulfill justice. Because, if fishermen are only allowed to catch lobsters by weight 200 gram, that can only be done by big fishermen.

“Menangkap lobster butuh jaring dan itupun sering rusak, only big fishermen can afford it,” katanya seraya menyebut harga jaring mencapai Rp 1 million. One of the fishermen figures who is also the chairman of the RW 10, Lampon, Pesanggaran Village, Agus Mariono, said the number of fishermen in Lampon was approx 1.200 person. Of that amount, who can dive is only approx 730 person.

“Permen KP itu itu membunuh kesejahteraan nelayan," he said. With the action being held simultaneously, he hopes Minister KP, Susi Pudjiastuti pulled out the candy she had taken out. “Harapan nelayan itu Permen segera dicabut, so that fishermen are free to go to sea and can work in peace," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Port Installations and Management of Marine and Fisheries Resources (IP2SKP) Pancer, Heru Prasetyo, said that the actions taken by some fishermen were a form of aspiration. His party will report the fishermen's activities to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

“Aksi itu dilakukan sebagian nelayan, not all fishermen,He said. Because the truth is, light him, There are also some fishermen groups who do not want the candy to be revoked.

Fishermen who support the treatment of KP Ministerial Regulation number 56 year 2016 it's a group of pure fishing fishermen, namely network groups and fishing rods on the beach. “Saya melaporkan aspirasi sebagian nelayan, because some also don't want it to be revoked,” he said. (radar)

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