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Farmers in Cluring Sub-District Difficulty in Water

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CLURING – Para petani di Dusun Plosorejo, Kaliploso Village, Cluring District, distraught because of the difficulty of getting water for his fields. as a result, tens of hectares of rice plants that are still newly planted in the area are threatened with drought.

The farmers guessed, The difficulty of water for rice field irrigation is because there is an irrigation improvement project in Tremblang Hamlet, Cluring Village/District. "A newly planted rice plant cannot actually lack water,said Simin, 67, one of the farmers from the hamlet of Plosorejo, Kaliploso Village.

According to Simin, His rice plants that are still ten days old are already not growing normally. If it is allowed to continue, it will affect the yield. "If there is a lack of water and it is dry, rice plants can die,He said. Farmers who lack water, light him, not just this time.

Every dry season, farmers always have trouble getting water. "Every year there is a shortage of water, we have to rent a suction machine at a price of Rp 30 thousand per hour," he said. Another farmer, Boirin, 57, from the village of Tampo, Cluring District, admits that the fields are temporarily uncultivated because the water conditions are not normal yet.

even though, the fields have been plowed using a tractor machine. "I'm afraid there is no water, That's why I postponed planting," he said. Similar to Simin, Boirin hopes that the irrigation slab project in Tremblang Hamlet, Cluring Desa Village/ District, can be resolved soon. So that, downstream water supply can be fulfilled and farmers are no longer confused about getting water to irrigate rice fields. (radar)

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