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Taekwondo High School 1 Bangorejo Wins Overall Champion

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BANGOREJO – Tim taekwondo SMAN 1 Bangorejo managed to win the Banyuwangi Regent's trophy in the championship which was held on 28-29 May 2016. The school also became the overall champion by getting four gold medals, five silver, and five bronze.

Besides that, high school taekwondo team 1 Bangorejo also managed to get the best senior male player category. The achievements of the taekwondo team are not only that, in championships in Java and Bali, also managed to bring home one gold medal and one silver medal.

Achievements achieved by the SMAN taekwondo team 1 That Bangorejo, thanks to the good cooperation between the school and the trainees. "This is a matter of pride for SMAN 1 Bangorejo,said the Head of SMAN 1 Bangorejo, Dwianto Budhiono.

According to Dwianto, the success of the high school taekwondo team 1 Bangorejo is a special gift to welcome the month of Ramadan. “This is an achievement that can raise the name of SMAN 1 Bangorejo at the district level, so that with these achievements can motivate high school students 1 Bangorejo,He said.

Dwianto hopes that this achievement can stimulate SMAN students 1 Bangorejo to always pursue both academic and non-academic achievements. “In the future I hope to become a champion at the provincial and national levels. So that it can bring Banyuwangi's good name with the various achievements it has achieved,"hope". (radar)

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