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Potholes are dangerous for vehicles

BE CAREFUL: Sejumlah kendaraan berjalan pelan saat melintas di jalan berlubang di Desa Kepundungan, Srono . District, yesterday.
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BE CAREFUL: A number of vehicles walked slowly as they crossed the pothole road in Kepunungan Village, Srono . District, yesterday.

SRONO – Jalan beraspal hotmix di sepanjang jalan di Desa Kepundungan, Srono . District, generally in good condition. even so, not a few asphalt roads with holes. As seen in the middle of the rice fields. The road looks hollow.

This makes passing vehicles a little disturbed. If not, danger will threaten. Especially, if passing at night. Motorcyclists have to be extra careful. Of course, The vehicles that used to travel on the route connecting Sumbersari village and Kebaman village already knew about the damage to the road.

However, for the unusual, they will often suddenly brake. Especially, So far there is no lighting at that location. as a result, the road became completely dark and the dangerous potholes were not visible. (radar)

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