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Entering the Rainy Season, This is the preparation of the Banyuwangi Regency Government to anticipate flooding

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ID TEXTdistrict government Banyuwangi starting to prepare for the rainy season which is predicted to begin in December 2023. Various steps have been taken to anticipate this flood.

Banyuwangi Regional Secretary Mujiono explained, some steps had been taken well in advance. One of them is removing sediment from water channels in various regions, mainly urban.

Besides that, The district government has also prepared cross cutting at various points. This cross cutting is the point where the channel can be dissected if flooding occurs due to a blockage.

Another anticipation is the alerting of flood gate guards. They are in charge of guarding the water gate for 24 jam, when Banyuwangi enters the next rainy period.

“Not just at the water gate, but also in dams and dams too,” added Mujiono, Thursday (30/11/2023).

Next, The Banyuwangi Regency Government has also prepared several heavy equipment in crucial locations. The locations he refers to are bridges that are prone to becoming blockages for river waste.

With the heavy equipment on standby there, Operators can act quickly when a blockage occurs. The risk of river water entering residential areas can be minimized.

One of the bridges that will be a place for heavy equipment to stand by is the bridge in the Alasmalang area. That region, Mujiono said, It is a place prone to flooding due to material being brought in from upstream of the river.

“We will alert excavators or backhoes in locations like that,” he said.

Banyuwangi BMKG forecaster Rizky P Hartiwi explained, The rainy season in Banyuwangi as a whole will start in December.

Nevertheless, Several sub-districts have started the season, for example Genteng District, perfect, and Kalibaru.

“If the whole, In Banyuwangi the rainy season enters in early December,” he added.

The beginning of the rainy season in Banyuwangi, he continued, backward compared to initial predictions. Previously, The season is predicted to arrive this month.

But, El Nino also has an impact on the delay of the rainy season. El Nino causes the summer to last for a long time.
