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Get to know the Ritual of Banishing the Bride in Banyuwangi, The North-West Barrier Solution

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ID TEXT – In the Javanese tradition that exists in several villages in the Regency Banyuwangi, East Java, Marry is not just a love problem, but out of necessity.

According to beliefs rooted in Javanese society, There are restrictions in choosing a potential partner. One of the famous taboos is field blending the different directions of the house, which is known as Ngalor-Ngulon, namely the meeting of the corners of the Southeast and Northwest.

According to Supardi (62), a figure from the Village/District of Siliragung, breaking these taboos will cause ongoing problems in the couple's household Marry. Therefore, all children and descendants do not dare to violate field this in their marriage.

“According to the teachings of my father, that is what is taught. So my kids are the same, not allowed to have a Ngalor-Ngulon marriage,” Supardi said, Thursday (1/6/2023).

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Supardi's youngest daughter used to have to swallow bitterly because of this belief. The relationship had to run aground when Supardi was strictly forbidden Marry with a man opposite the direction of the house. Although initially forced to comply, but the marriage of the youngest Supardi has lasted until now 2 child.

“That's my son, in fact also lasting until now. I used to hate to marry people there (different direction),” Supardi said while pointing the direction.

According to Ki Asmoro Sampir, a puppeteer who often performs ruatan rituals, there are several steps that can be taken to avoid adverse consequences if violated field the wedding. One way is through the implementation of several rituals based on prevailing Javanese beliefs.

One of the rituals that can be done is tradition “throw away the bride”. This ritual involves dumping one of the bride and groom before the wedding ceremony. In practice, one of the bride and groom has to be kicked out by the parents and stay out of the house for a few days.

After being dumped, the person must then be found or picked up again by the parents and married off to their child. During 10 the day after the wedding, the exiled bride is not allowed to return to her original home.

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“One of the bride and groom must be expelled and then found by the other candidate's parents. The aim is to ignore the taboos in that direction so that the marriage can take place,” said Ki Asmoro Sampir.

Ki Asmoro cannot give guarantees regarding the bad luck that will befall couples who violate these rules. For him, matters of marriage and misfortune are mysteries that only the Creator knows.

“But that doesn't mean we can ignore it, because we live in the land of Java. These rules and beliefs have existed since ancient times, before the present Javanese population was born,” he said.
