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Harvest of Dragon Fruit Farmers in Banyuwangi Stolen, The figure of the perpetrator was revealed after the suspicious middleman

Journalist Report East Java Tribune Network, Aflahul Abidin

TRIBUNJATIM.COM, BANYUWANGI – FROM (33) determined to profit from the farmers' dragon fruit harvest. DI plunders people's rice fields and sells them to middlemen.

Resident of Sumbermulyo Village, Kecamatan Pesanggaran, Regency Banyuwangi it threshed dozens of quintals of dragon fruit worth millions of rupiah.

Action dragon fruit theft it was carried out by DI in three different paddy fields. Two locations are in Sumbermulyo Village. Meanwhile, one other location is in Pesanggaran Village.

The Head of Pesanggaran Police, AKP Basori Alwi, said, stolen dragon fruit belonging to three farmers, namely Masruri, Cusdion, and Friday.

The dragon fruit owners realized that the fruit they planted was missing on Friday (24/2/2023) sore.

However, they do not yet know who stole their crops. The action was uncovered only after DI sold the loot to middlemen.

The middlemen who felt suspicious about the dragon fruit being sold by the suspect then contacted the farmers. Including three victims.

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“The dragon fruit owner then comes to the location,” he said, Monday (27/2/2023).

Over there, the suspect was asked about the origin of the dragon fruit he was selling. Originally, he did not admit that the dragon fruit being sold was stolen.

“The suspect admitted that his neighbor told him to sell dragon fruit,” he added.

Feel something odd, the victims then returned to the suspect at his residence.

After being pushed there, the suspect finally admitted that the dragon fruit he was selling was stolen.

“Finally, the victims reported the incident to the Pesanggaran Police,” Basori added.

Nominally, the number of dragon fruit suspected of stealing is not small. On Kusdiono's land, the suspect stole dragon fruit worth Rp 5 million.

Meanwhile, on land owned by Masruri, Rp 390 thousand and on land owned by Jumaer worth Rp 250 thousand.

Basori mentions, The suspect has been detained at the police station. The authorities have also secured some evidence.

Including motorcycles, bag, and sickles used by the suspects to slash the dragon fruit belonging to the victims.

“The suspect was charged with the article 362 Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 65 verse (1) KUHP,” he continued
