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District Government Continues to Expand Coverage of Balak Village 3R TPS, Now Serve 14 Village in 6 districts

District Government Continues to Expand Coverage of Balak Village 3R TPS, Now Serve 14 Village in 6 districts
Banyuwangi Monday, 20 January 2025 21:00 WIB

Pemkab Banyuwangi terus mengoptimalkan kapasitas Tempat Pengolahan Sampah Reduce Reuse Recycle (TPS 3R) in Balak Village, Songgon District. Cakupannya semakin meluas. From previously serving 14 village, kini cakupannya meningkat hingga 37 villages in six districts, namely Songgon, perfect, Rooftile, Singojuruh, Rogojampi and Kabat.

“Our target can cover 44 village in 6 surrounding sub -district,” said the Regent of Banyuwangi, Ipuk Fiestiandani, Monday, 20 January 2025.

TPS Balak ini menurutnya memiliki peran strategis dalam mendukung pengelolaan sampah secara sirkular di Banyuwangi. Because, keberadaan TPS Balak tidak hanya menjaga lingkungan, but also creates jobs and improve the economy of local residents. “Terbukti, All workers are residents around the TPS," he said.

TPS3R Balak merupakan implementasi program Banyuwangi Hijau. Pembangunan fasilitas ini melibatkan PT Systemiq Lestari Indonesia dan didukung penuh Pemerintah Norwegia, Borealis, USAID, as well as other donor agencies.

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Balak TPS is a center for modern Sikukar Waste Processing which is equipped with advanced technology. This TPS daily capacity reaches 84 ton. Di TPS ini sampah organik diolah menjadi kompos berkualitas. Sementara sampah anorganik dipilah menjadi plastik daur ulang.

“We continue to encourage circular waste processing. Now in Banyuwangi already exists 26 TPS3R. This waste treatment must be our choice, starting from the family line by sorting out trash,” strictly.

Plt. Head of the Environment Service (DLH) Banyuwangi, Dwi Handayani, say, TPS Balak saat ini telah melayani sebanyak 11.313 rumah atau setara dengan 49.777 soul. Rata-rata sampah yang masuk mencapai 18,8 tons per day.

“Jika ditotal hingga saat ini, the amount of waste that has been processed as much as 483,2 ton. Both organic and non-organic waste," he explained.
