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From the outside it looks like a radio broadcasting place, Turns out to Serve Karaoke Customers during Ramadan in Banyuwangi

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Journalist Report East Java Tribune Network, Aflahul Abidin

TRIBUNJATIM.COM, BANYUWANGI – Tiga tempat karaoke in Banyuwangi raided because it was still open during Ramadan.

The karaoke place is in the village. Its guise is community radio, but provide karaoke service.

The raid was carried out by a joint team of police, TNI, Satpol PP, and Glagah District, Friday (7/4/2023) night.

There are six places karaoke under the guise of community radio officers visited. The result is three places closed and three others operating.

Kapolsek Glagah AKP Pudji Wahyono said, the results of the raid showed that the karaoke place was still serving customers.

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In that place, it's clear, the manager conjured the radio broadcasting area into a karaoke room equipped with a screen and loudspeaker.

In that raid, the joint team gave sanctions in the form of a warning to the managers of the karaoke place.

They were sanctioned for violating a local government circular regarding the ban on nightclubs from opening during Ramadan.

The joint officer also records the identity of the manager of the karaoke place. They were asked to make a statement not to reopen during Ramadan.

“Apabila nantinya membandel, we will take firm action,” lanjut Pudji.

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Existence of place karaoke under the guise of community radio which opened during the Fasting Month surprised the sub-district officers who took part in the raid.

Hari Iswandi, head of sub-district of Glagah, explained, the karaoke place that was raided was in the village. The locations are in Rejosari and Olehsari Villages.

They admitted that they just found out that the house karaoke under the guise of community radio mushroomed and are still open during Ramadan in the region. later, the managers of the entertainment venues will be collected.

“Nanti para pengelolanya akan kami kumpulkan,He said.

Head of Public Order Banyuwangi PP Satpol Adian Sinaga Darmauli added, Raids during Ramadan will be held regularly with different objectives.

His party appealed to the public to comply with the appeals conveyed during the Fasting Month.

“Razia kali ini kami gelar atas aduan dan keresahan warga Banyuwangi. We thank the residents who care about peace in Banyuwangi,” sambungnya


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