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Banyuwangi Disbudpar Has a Collection of Artifacts that Reveal the Culture of the Blambangan Community

TIMES BANYUANGI, BANYUWANGI - Existence Blambangan Museum, Banyuwangi Regency, become a Trend Center for students and the wider community in introducing the stories and origins of the easternmost region of the island of Java with its collection of artifacts.

How not, it turned out to be the Department of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar) Banyuwangi, has a multitude of artifacts that are preserved and stored neatly in the museum so that it becomes the door to open the veil regarding the beliefs of the ancient Blambangan region. One of these collections is Lingga and Yoni.

Curator and Educator of the Blambangan Museum, Bayu Ari Wibowo, say, Lingga and Yoni are historical remains that depict the life of Javanese society, which was recorded by the Dutch in the century 19, in the area that was previously called Blambangan and adheres to the Hindu Shiva belief.

Local sources such as Babad Sepuh also revealed this, there is a call to Shiva which reads 'Om Nama Shiva Swaha Sembahing Hulun Ri Pada Bhatara'. The appeal identified that the Hinduism that developed in Blambangan came from the Shiva Sect.

Artifact-2.jpgCurator and Educator of the Blambangan Banyuwangi Museum, Bayu Ari Wibowo, is in the Museum. (Photo: Anggara Cahya/TIMES Indonesia)

“So there is Lingga Yoni, has proven that the Javanese people in Banyuwangi at that time adhered to the beliefs of the Shiva Hindu sect,said Bayu Ari Wibowo, Friday (24/11/20230).

Lingga and Yoni by the Javanese Hindu community in Banyuwangi, Bayu is still Bayu Ari Wibowo's nickname, It is used as a means of worshiping Sang Hyang Widhi, which manifests as Shiva and Parvati.

The Linga consists of three parts or is called Tribhaga. These passages show a council like Brahma Bhaga, Vishnu Bhaga and Shiva Bhaga. The phallus is a symbol of Shiva or the God of Pemralina, while the intact Lingga and Yoni apart from the manifestations of Shiva and Parvati themselves are symbols of fertility.

“At the Blambangan museum, disbudpar, There are four Lingga and Yoni artifacts which consist of one complete Lingga and Yoni package, two Lingas and one Yoni,” he explained when interviewed.

Otherwise, Yoni is a symbol of Parvati or Sakti Shiva whose other name is Durga Mahisasuramardini which means mother of the universe. Based on research conducted by Bayu in 2015. There are eight Lingga and Yoni in Banyuwangi whose distribution is in Ketapang Village, Jambewangi Village, Kedungsari Village, And the new Taman Village.

“The Linga and Yoni at the Blambangan Museum were registered in the 1980s,said Bayu.

If you are interested in learning the history of Banyuwangi or what was previously known as the Blambangan region, from the royal era to contemporary history, It seems suitable to visit the Blambangan Museum at the Culture and Tourism Service which is located on Jalan Jendrtal Ahmad Yani, New Garden Village, Banyuwangi. (*)

herald : Syamsul Arifin
Editor : Imaduddin Muhammad
