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PU Service Day, Head of Banyuwangi Waterworks Public Works Department Invites to Improve Development Performance

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PU Service Day, Head of Banyuwangi Waterworks Public Works Department Invites to Improve Development Performance

Head of Public Works Dinas (COULD) Banyuwangi irrigation, Thunder Priambodo.

INDONESIAN VOICE, BANYUWANGI – Head of Public Works Dinas (COULD) Banyuwangi irrigation, Thunder Priambodo, menegaskan pentingnya kinerja pembangunan dalam mewujudkan Indonesia sejahtera di Momentum Hari Bakti PU ke-78.

Guntur Priambodo mengajak seluruh jajaran Dinas PU Pengairan dan masyarakat untuk bersama-sama berkontribusi dalam membangun negeri.

Melalui Hari Bakti PU ke-78, kita ingin mengingatkan dan mengapresiasi peran Dinas PU dalam pembangunan infrastruktur yang menjadi tulang punggung kemajuan suatu daerah. Mari tingkatkan terus kinerja pembangunan karya anak bangsa, karena kita memiliki tanggung jawab besar untuk menciptakan Indonesia sejahtera,” he said.

Guntur Priambodo menekankan bahwa tema Hari Bakti PU tahun ini, that is “Sigap Membangun Negeri, Sigap Membangun Banyuwangi,” is a call to be more proactive in responding to community needs for quality infrastructure.

He also highlighted the importance of synergy between governments, private, and society in realizing sustainable development.

“We must be alert in responding and meeting community needs. Good infrastructure will open up investment opportunities, create jobs, and improve people's quality of life. Therefore, Let's work together to develop our country, ready to build Banyuwangi,” he said.

Guntur also emphasized the need to increase the competency and capacity of human resources in the fields of civil engineering and construction to support the development of more sophisticated and efficient infrastructure.

He hopes that workers in the PU sector will further hone their skills and continue to innovate in order to increase the nation's competitiveness at the global level.

For Guntur, Hari Bakti PU ke-78 menjadi momentum untuk merayakan pencapaian dalam pembangunan infrastruktur serta merencanakan langkah-langkah strategis untuk masa depan.

SemangatSigap Membangun Negeri, Sigap Membangun Banyuwangidiharapkan dapat menginspirasi semua pihak untuk bersama-sama berkontribusi dalam menciptakan Indonesia yang lebih baik, sejahtera, and sustainable. (Adv)

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herald : Muhammad Nurul Yakin
Editor : Imam Hairon
