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Ir. H. Sumail Abdullah DPR RI: Socialization of Regional Road Development Projects 8 Kilometers in Banyuwangi

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BANYUWANGI, - Ir. H. Sumail Abdullah, Member of Commission V DPR RI, has carried out outreach regarding regional road construction projects along 8 kilometer. This project received a budget allocation of 22 billion rupiah from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (State Budget). The road is located in Kalipahit Village, Tegaldlimo . District, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java.

This project is of major concern because it will have a positive impact on infrastructure development in the area. With funds amounting to 22 billion rupiah, It is hoped that the construction of this road will increase accessibility and connectivity between important areas in Banyuwangi Regency.

In this socialization event, Ir.H.Sumail Abdullah also shared information regarding the planned development stages, project implementation time, as well as the benefits that are expected to be obtained by the local community.

Road infrastructure development is an important part of the government's efforts to advance rural areas and facilitate economic growth. With this project, Banyuwangi Regency can pursue better economic development and provide better access for its people.

According to him, APBN can be used to build regional roads, in accordance with the provisions contained in Law Number 02 year 2022. One of the articles in the law states that the APBN can be used for the construction of regional roads. Therefore, We have followed up on this law.

"We have conducted a study and concluded that funds originating only from village funds or the local APBD will not be sufficient for the necessary road construction. Therefore, we decided to take funds from the center through possible regulations. Finally, we conclude that the APBN can be used to build regional roads," said Ir. H. Sumail Abdullah.

Not only that, This regional road also has a thematic concept, which means that the road is integrated with various resources that can improve the regional economy, one of which is the tourism sector. Because this road is close to a tourist destination, So we encourage the central ministry to encourage the government to widen and repair the roads that cross the Kalipait Village area. Today is proof that the APBN can be used to build regional roads.

In this socialization, Sumail added that one of the objectives of the legislative function is to accelerate development in the regions, by assisting districts and villages in strengthening road networks that support economic and social activities. Thus, roads that were initially poor can be improved to become better.

He hopes that development implementers will pay attention to the quality of the volume of work. This is very important to ensure the long life of road structures, because we want to continue development in a sustainable manner. After completing development in these four villages, we plan to continue with other projects.

In this meeting, Sumail Abdullah emphasized the importance of allocating funds of 22 billion rupiah for this project. He revealed that this project had a short time limit, only until December to complete. Therefore, He encouraged project implementers to pay close attention to the quality of the building so that it can last in the long term and is not easily damaged.

Road infrastructure development is one of the important efforts in developing rural areas. This project is expected to increase accessibility and connectivity between important areas in Banyuwangi Regency. This will help in regional economic growth and provide significant benefits for the local community.

Writer : Rony Subhan.


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