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The South Coast of Java is Good For Rituals

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BANYUWANGIHITS.ID – The area of ​​the South Coast of Java which stretches from Alas Purwo Banyuwangi, East Java, to Pangandaran Beach, West Java is a good ritual location.

According to the Chairman of the Archipelago Shaman Association (The loss) Banyuwangi, Abdul Fatah Hassan, there are three types of rituals that are usually held on the South Coast and are related to the Queen of the South.

“Pesugihan ritual, power or prestige and serenity,explained Gus Fatah, call Abdul Fatah Hasan.

Rituals on the South Beach are always associated with Ratu Kidul or Nyi Roro Kidul.

To determine what rituals are held by a person or a particular group can be seen from the location of the rituals held.

Not all locations on the South Coast of Java are in the same category. There are several locations that are related as a ritual for peace of mind.

"For peace of mind, if you go to Banyuwangi, the beach is near Alas Purwo,said Gus Fatah.

The chairman of Perdunu Banyuwangi added, for the location of the pesugihan ritual and prestige or seeking power is slightly to the west.

"For those related to wealth and power, it's a bit to the west, such as Pancer Beach to Jember.

Payangan Beach or Watu Ulo in Sumberejo Village, Ambul District, Jember is one of the ritual locations.

The name Payangan Beach stuck out after the incident 11 ritual participants died on Sunday 13 February 2022 early days.

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