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Police Secure Two Thieves in Sragi Village, Songgon District, Banyuwangi

PEOPLE'S NEWS – Sector Police (police station) Songgon arrested two men who were suspected of being the perpetrators of the theft after being caught by the home owner when he was trying to escape through a window.

The perpetrators included HG (37) having its address at Secang Neighborhood, Kelurahan/Kecamatan Kalipuro, Banyuwangi. Next, AFZ (21) having its address in Dusun Maduran, Rogojampi Village/District, Banyuwangi.

Songgon Police Chief, AKP Eko Darmawan said the theft occurred on Thursday (15/12/2022) afternoon. The house that was broken into belonged to Sulisiyem (49) located at Sragi Village, Songgon District, Banyuwangi. At that time, the house is quiet. The victim and his son were watching a jaranan art performance.

“around 15.00 WIB this family came home,” said AKP Eko, Friday (16/12/2022).

Arriving at the home page, Sulisiyem saw a man standing in front of his shop. Without suspecting, he ignored and went straight into the house.

But when the door was opened, the victim's child saw a foreign man who was in his house and was about to escape through the window. The man then ran towards his friend who had been waiting in front of the shop.

“The victim then shouted at the perpetrator and was finally chased and arrested by residents. Then arrested by the police,” he said.
