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PPM program intensified, Banyuwangi's budget is increasing'

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Tagline Pesanggaran ‘Anyes’, bukan isapan jempol belaka. terbukti daerah selatan Kabupaten Banyuwangi, semakin cepat maju. Itu didukung program Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PPM) or commonly called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), PT Bumi Suksesindo (PT BSI) memang terus menjaga komitmen masyarakat dan Pemkab Banyuwangi.

Various programs with the concept of community economic empowerment continue to be launched. Like a home surgery program, Advanced Fishing Village (Kalaju), paver factory construction, places of worship construction projects, road infrastructure development and many more.

The program initiated was the result of deliberations with the community and village government. Including the Integrated Team which is an extension of the local government.

Program pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat dilakoni PT BSI di wilayah ring satu Kecamatan Pesanggaran. Both in Sarong Village, Cage, Sumbermulyo, Pesanggaran and Sumberagung Village, lokasi tempat berdiri perusahaan.

Adanya PT BSI tentu banyak membawa perubahan (progress). Many good programs have been given to the community,” kata Kades Sumberagung, Vivian Agustin, Tuesday (31/1/2023).

Dia menambahkan masyarakat sekitar menjadi salah satu konsep yang diterapkan untuk program bedah rumah. Masyarakat melalui Kelompok Masyarakat (Pokmas), can propose houses for people with economically disadvantaged who are eligible to receive a house renovation program. Saat pelaksanaan, The workforce recruited is also from the local community.

“So, it's not just house renovation recipients who are prosperous, but the surrounding community who are implementing the activity will also feel the economic impact,” he said.

Hal senada diungkapkan Camat Pesanggaran, Agus Mulyono. According to him, existence of PT BSI, as an investor, have a positive impact on the region. Program pemberdayaan searah dengan program Pemkab Banyuwangi.

“So, accelerated development and the community's economy continues to grow and develop,” he said.

According to Agus, gold mining subsidiary of PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk, also has a high sensitivity to the condition of society. Dia mencontohkan saat banjir merendam wilayah Kecamatan Pesanggaran, PT BSI langsung merespons dengan penyaluran sejumlah bantuan.

Both assistance in the form of food packages to flood-affected communities. As well as the assistance of heavy equipment and a fleet of dump trucks to speed up cleaning up of leftover flood waste.

“So, the existence of PT BSI also has a role in realizing the tagline 'Pesanggaran Anyes', i.e. Safe Savings, Cozy, Serene and Prosperous,” he said.

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