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About the Leopard Population in Banyuwangi, BKSDA: Still Available in Several Places

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BANYUWANGI, – Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) mention of the leopard population in Banyuwangi, East Java, still have.

“Informasi yang kami terima masih ada di sejumlah tempat,” kata Kepala Seksi Konservasi BKSDA Wilayah V Banyuwangi Purwantono, to, Monday (2/1/2023).

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According to him, the location where animals with Latin names live Panthera pardus it is spread over a number of forest areas.

“Kabarnya ada di Taman Nasional Alas Purwo, Meru Betiri National Park, Baluran National Park and the Ijen Crater Mountain Area,” ungkap Purwantono.

As for certainty, how many tails does the leopard population have in Banyuwangi, BKSDA cannot explain clearly.

“Tentu mempertimbangkan keamanan macan tutul ini dari perburuan liar. For sure the info is there," he said.

Purwantono hopes, people who see and find leopards or other protected animals immediately report.

“Kami berharap semuanya bisa menjaga bersama. Because this leopard is a protected animal,” tutur Purwantono.

Regarding a leopard seen by residents of Sumberarum Village, Songgon District, on new year's eve, BKSDA has deployed a team.

“Kita terjunkan tim untuk tinjau ke lokasi,” ungkap Purwantono.


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