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6 Active Volcanoes in East Java and Interesting Facts

6 Active Volcanoes in East Java and Interesting Facts
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Indonesia is a country that is on the Ring of Fire, because it has the largest number of volcanoes in the world. Including East Java Province which has a number of volcanoes that are considered still active.

Active volcanoes are mountains that still have a history of erupting or releasing magma, hot lava, cold land at any time when it has been monitored in a caution status. One of them is Mount Kelud which is still active.

Even though it is active, The volcanic area in East Java is used as a tourist destination for local and foreign tourists, because it has its own charm. Not only Mount Kelud, There are many more volcanoes with active status in East Java.



A forest fire occurred on Mount Lawu, Magetan. The fire was discovered at around 12.00 p.m 11.00 WIB and hundreds of joint officers immediately carried out the extinguishing together with the community.Mount Lawu/ Photo: Sugeng Harianto

Mount Lawu is an active volcano located between three districts, namely Karanganyar in Central Java, Ngawi and Magetan in East Java. Until now, this volcano has 'resting' status’ and is predicted to last erupt on the date 28 November 1885.

At the moment, Mount Lawu is used as a climbing place. At least 5 The climbing route on Mount Lawu has been officially managed by the local government. Among them is the climbing route via Cemoro Sewu, Cemoro Kandang, Cetho Temple, Singlelangu, and Pond.

Besides that, There are several other tourist destinations that tourists can visit around Mount Lawu, like Lake Sarangan, Grojogan Sewu Waterfall, Jamus Tea Garden, and many more.

2. Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo craterMount Bromo Crater/ Photo: Devy Rizkillah/d'Traveler

Mount Bromo is an active volcano located in four districts, covers Probolinggo Regency, Pasuruan Regency, Lumajang Regency, and Malang Regency. The last eruption occurred on 19 July 2019.

Mount Bromo is believed to be a sacred mountain by the Tengger people, and is the location for the Kasodo traditional ceremony every year.

Even though it is active, Mount Bromo is included in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park tourist area. Several tourist destinations have opened in this area, becoming an attraction for local and foreign tourists, untuk berkunjung ke Bromo, seperti Bukit Teletubbies, Kawah Gunung Bromo, Pasir Berbisik, and many more.

3. Gunung Penanggungan

Gunung Penanggungan yang terbakar.Gunung Penanggungan/ Foto: Istimewa/Dok. BPBD Mojokerto

Gunung Penanggungan adalah gunung berapi kerucut yang saat ini berada dalam kondisi ‘istirahat’. Letaknya di perbatasan antara dua kabupaten, yakni Kabupaten Mojokerto dan Kabupaten Pasuruan.

Gunung ini dianggap sebagai jelmaan dari Mahameru atau gunungnya para dewa, sehingga disebut sebagai gunung keramat. Hal ini diyakini kebenarannya berdasarkan penemuan situs-situs kuno di sekitar gunung. Therefore, gunung ini seringkali dijadikan sebagai wisata sejarah dan ziarah.

Besides that, kawasan sekitar Gunung Penanggungan merupakan kawasan hunian yang tergolong padat. Bahkan menjadi pusat perkembangan industri manufaktur.

Besides that, There are several climbing routes that are open because the peak of this mountain is relatively lower than other mountains, covers the Wonosunyo route, Jolotundo, Kedungudi, Tamiajeng, and Ngoro.

4. Mount Roung

Mount Raung emits white smokeMount Roar emits white smoke/ Photo: While. PPGA Raung

Mount Raung is a conical volcano on the border of Banyuwangi, Situbondo, and Bondowoso. This mountain is still active with a history of the last eruption occurring on date 27 July 2022 then.

A mountain that has height 3.332 meters above sea level, it is the third highest mountain in East Java after Mount Semeru and Mount Arjuno.

Mount Raung also has an open crater where eruptions occur, The incandescent lava will return to the crater and not overflow outside the caldera. Meanwhile, This mountain caldera is a dry caldera type, and has been named the second largest caldera in Indonesia after Mount Tambora in West Nusa Tenggara.

5. Mount Kelud

kelud mountainMount Kelud/ Photo: Special

Mount Kelud is a volcano that is still active today, located on the border of Kediri, Blitar, and unfortunate. The last eruption of Mount Kelud occurred in 2014 considered the most powerful eruption in years 1990.

At that time, The sound of the resulting explosion is estimated to have been heard from a distance of approx 300 kilometers from the center of the eruption. Another impact in the form of volcanic ash paralyzed most areas on the island of Java, covers East Java, Central Java, to West Java.

On the other hand, There is a rock climbing route available at the top of Sumbing, hot water bath, even the flying fox is used as an attraction for tourists on holiday to the Mount Kelud area.

6. Semeru Mountain

Mount Semeru in Lumajang erupted at 06.22 WIB. The current status of the mountain is still level 3 or standby, Saturday (18/11/2023).Mount Semeru/ Photo: Nur Hadi Wicaksono/detikJatim

Mount Semeru is the highest volcano on the island of Java which is administratively located between two districts in East Java Province, namely Malang and Lumajang. This mountain is included in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park area which has several areas of forest vegetation in it.

The last history of Mount Semeru experiencing an eruption was recorded on 4 December 2022 where his status was raised to Awas (Level IV).

Several climbing routes are open in the Mount Semeru area, starting from Ranu Pani-Landengan Dowo to Arcopodo-Summit. However, Climbers are not advised to go to the top of Mount Semeru, precisely in the Jonggring Saloko crater because of the presence of poisonous gas known as Wedhus Gembel and lava flows.

This article was written by Savira Oktavia, Merdeka Campus Certified Internship participant at detikcom.

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