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Cara Convert Video Youtube ke MP3 di HP Android

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Cara convert video Youtube to MP3 it's actually quite easy. But unfortunately, it looks easy if done on a PC or laptop.

What if you want to change the Youtube video format to MP3 format from an Android phone? What is the way that you usually use on a PC or laptop can be used on an Android phone?

For those of you who only only have an Android mobile device and want to change the Youtube video format to MP3, you can learn more cara convert video Youtube to MP3 from the Android phone in this article.

Method Convert Video Youtube to MP3 Using the MP3 Converter App from Inshot

Even if only only have an Android phone, actually you can still change the video format Youtube to MP3. There are many ways that you can use to convert from Youtube videos to MP3.

One of cara convert video Youtube to MP3 from an Android phone is to use the MP3 Converter application from Inshot. Interesting again, you can not only download the application for free from Playstore just, but the application also has features addition to converting Youtube video formats to MP3.

MP3 Converter App It can also edit both video and audio at the same time. Besides that, This MP3 Converter can also convert 15 video to MP3 equivalent.

Then how use this MP3 Converter application to convert Youtube video format to MP3? Follow these steps to convert Youtube videos into MP3 by using the MP3 Converter application:

  1. First of all, make sure to download and install the MP3 Converter application from Inshot on your cellphone Your Android first.
  2. If the application MP3 Converter is already installed on your Android phone, then next you have to First download the Youtube video that you want to convert to MP3.
  3. After The Youtube video that you want to convert to MP3 has been downloaded and saved in Android phone internal and external memory, open the MP3 Converter application which is you have installed before.
  4. Inside MP3 Converter application is available 6 menu. Select the video to audio menu that is located at the top left.
  5. After that, select which video you want to convert to MP3. You can choose max up to 15 videos to convert to MP3 at the same time inside MP3 Converter app.
  6. Wait the conversion process is complete. And if the conversion process is complete, you can open the conversion result from the output folder menu in the first section enter the MP3 Converter application.

How to Convert Youtube Videos to MP3 from HP Android Without Using Additional Apps

It is true, results Converting Youtube videos to MP3 using the MP3 Converter application is very easy good. Besides that, you can also get video editing features and also audio.

However, process to convert Youtube videos to MP3 using the MP3 application The converter is quite complicated. Isn't there cara convert video Youtube to MP3 from Android phones that don't need additional apps?

For those of you who really does not require video and audio editing features and is not so concerned the quality of the conversion results of Youtube videos to MP3, you can do the conversion Youtube videos to MP3 with the help of a website-based application. Application Youtube video conversion to MP3 based on the website is called YTMP3.

Then, how cara convert video Youtube ke MP3 from an Android phone by using the website-based application? Follow these steps to Convert Youtube videos to MP3 using the application based on YTMP3 website:

  1. First of all, first find which Youtube video you want to convert to MP3.
  2. If it is already find a video on Youtube that you want to convert to MP3, copy link the video.
  3. After that, website access YTMP3.
  4. Paste the link Youtube video that you copied earlier in the column provided below on the YTMP3 website.
  5. If already, press the convert button and wait for the process to finish.
  6. After conversion process complete, you just need to press the download button. So Automatically the MP3 file from the Youtube video conversion will be downloaded to memory the internals of your Android phone.


To access Youtube video converted files, you can open file manager on your Android phone and select the download folder. Converted files Your Youtube videos are in that folder.

When compared with cara convert video Youtube ke MP3 from the first Android phone, Indeed, the second method is much more practical and easier.

Not only that, you don't have to sacrifice your Android phone's internal memory space anymore to install additional applications just to be able to convert Youtube videos into MP3.

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