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With Small Capital, Women from RT Bagorejo Village, Banyuwangi Cricket Farming to Supplement the Family Economy

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ID TEXT – Ternak jangkrik bisa menjadi pilihan untuk menambah pemasukan ekonomi keluarga. Maintenance is easy, small capital, doesn't take up much space, and it just requires patience.

As did the housewives in Bagorejo Village, Srono . District, Banyuwangi. As a group, they work together with residents of the surrounding area to raise crickets, the results of which can add to the family's economy.

“Rata-rata ternak jangkrik merupakan kerja sampingan ibu-ibu rumah tangga. Because caring for it is not complicated, does not require special treatment, just give it regular food,” kata Sri Yusweni, Chairman of the Jangkrik Sejahtera Group.

“Ternak jangkrik di sini sudah berjalan sekitar satu tahun. At first only 5 person, now it is 17 people who join, average housewife,” he added.

This group breeds crickets in a former rice processing warehouse owned by residents. Cricket farming uses boxes measuring approx 3 x 1 meter. The box contains on average 5 ounces of cricket seeds. The cricket harvest period is only approx 26 days to one month.

“Biasanya 1 ounces of cricket seeds could be 10 kilograms of crickets ready to harvest. So 1 the box can produce 50 kilograms of crickets at harvest,” kata Sri.

One kilogram of crickets on the market is around Rp 30.000. So 1 boxes can produce Rp 1,5 million. Meanwhile, operational costs for cricket farming are relatively small. On average only Rp 1 million per box, which is used for cricket seeds and feed.

“Jadi rata-rata 1 boxes can generate profits of around Rp 500 thousand. If you have 3 boks, thank god. Not bad for additional income every month,” terang Sri.

“Warga di sini rata-rata minim punya 2 boks. Apart from being placed in this place, there are also those who keep them in their homes,” tambah Sri.

Nevertheless, Cricket farming is actually quite promising because of the large demand. Many requests from Bali, Poor, Surabaya, and other areas, which this group has not been able to fulfill.

In total, this group only exists 35 boks. So each month on average you earn approx 1,75 tonnes sent to various regions.

Regent of Banyuwangi Ipuk Fiestiandani, yang melihat langsung peternakan jangkrik saat program Bupati Ngantor di Desa (Village Flowers) in this village some time ago, appreciate the efforts of housewives to help the family economy.

According to Ipuk, what housewives in this village do with crickets is exemplary. “Ini bisa dicontoh. Mothers can earn income and add to the family economy, without leaving work at home. Because cricket farming can be done at home like the women in this village," said Ipuk.


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