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Best IAI Ibrahimy KKN Student in Thailand

(Left to right) Ya`lu Arrahman, Fahmi Nuris Intercession, IAI Chancellor Ibrahimy H Kholilur Rahman, Ainur Risky, Nurul AIniyah, and Elfa Fiidinillah Putri after the reception, yesterday (2/10)
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(Left to right) Ya`lu Arrahman, Fahmi Nuris Intercession, IAI Chancellor Ibrahimy H Kholilur Rahman, Ainur Risky, Nurul AIniyah, and Elfa Fiidinillah Putri after the reception, yesterday (2/10)

GENTENG – Jajaran Civitas Akademiak IAI lbrahimy, Rooftile, menggelar penyambutan lima mahasiswanya yang baru menyelesaikan penugasan Kuliah Kerja Nyata – Program Pengalaman Lapangan (KKN-PPL) in Thailand yesterday (2/10). The five students, Ya'lu Arrahan; Fahmi Nuris Intercession; Ainur Risky, Nurul Ainiyiah, and Elfa Fiidinillah Putri.

Five IAI students Ibrahimy Genteng, that follows joint KKN PPL 72 students from 12 State and private universities (PTN/PTS) throughout Indonesia which has been collaborating with the alumni organization Abroad Alumni Association of Southern Border Provinces, Thailand.

Which is proud, The five students from IAI Ibrahimy were declared the best students in the Pattani area in the KKN-PPL, and is an 8th year engineering student 2017.

The awarding for their achievements was held at the Yala Islamic Council Convention Hall, Thailand on Saturday (30/ 9) which was witnessed directly by the Chair of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IAI Ibmhimy, Rooftile, Ahmad lzza Mustakim, and thousands of participants from campus representatives in Indonesia, head of the consulate; Badan Alumni Thailand; SBPEK, lSOK, and all students who are placed for KKN PPL.

The five students, yesterday (2/10) welcomed by Chancellor Ibrahimy, Rooftile, Drs H. Kholilur Rahman M.Pd.I and then handed over to his parents. “Saya menyampaikan terima kasih kepacla LPPM Ibrahimy yang telah memfasilitasi keberangkatan para mahasiswa yang mengikuti KKN-PPL di Thaland,” cetus Rektor IAI Ibrahimy, Rooftile, Drs. H. Kholilur Rahman, M.Pd.I.

That's hard work and good coordination, light him, has produced good results. The five IAI Ibrahimy Genteng students were able to take part in various events ranging from local competitions in Thailand, Eid al-Adha celebration, to the implementation of the Indonesian independence ceremony.

And the peak, one of the students, Fahmi Nuris Intercession, was named the best student. “Mahasiswa kita bisa meraih sebagai mahasiswa terbaik," he said.

With maximum gains and results, light him, The organizers of this overseas KKN program will give a reward to IAI Ibrahimy Genteng in the form of an additional quota of students who will depart for next year.

“Alhamdulillah tahun depan kita mendapat kuota tambahan, This year there are five students, next year we will get a share 10 student, I hope students start preparing themselves,He said.

With that achievement, it's clear, various follow-up offers also appeared, like the plans of several Thai students who will study at IAI Ibrahimy. Besides that, In the near future, IAI Ibrahimy will also receive a group from Thailand who will visit. “Kampus kita ditawari untuk menerima mahasiswa Thailand," he said.

Meanwhile, Fahmi Nuris Syafaat as the best KKN-PPL student revealed that this success was actually also achieved by other friends.. A number of students at the school where KKN-PPL is located, You can also win the competition. Besides that, Other friends can also get involved in prestigious activities in Thailand.

“Kita tidak pernah menyerah, finally proudly able to present the trophy,he explained. (radar)

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