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Plecutan Built to Resemble the Dome of a Mosque

BUILD: Fleeting Condition, last place Prabu Tawang Alun was seen.
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BUILD: Fleeting Condition, last place Prabu Tawang Alun was seen.

The history of the White Tiger Kingdom in the Banyuwangi community often sounds confusing. This also happens in some literature that tells of the kingdom on Earth Blambangan. And the fact, there are many differences in versions between written sources and stories that have been passed down from generation to generation from Tawang Alun, King of the White Tiger Kingdom.

As said by Samsul, The man who was born right in the ruins of Tawang Alun's residence said that in the past the house occupied by Tawang Alun was in the palace complex.. The house faces south with a fence decorated with flower pots. Around 50 meters to the north of the house, he continued, there is a Plecutan.

“The petilasan used to be called Pendileman," he said. The scouring and scouring used to be just a pile of bricks in the middle of the bush. There is no one to take care of him. Even those who worship that place don't exist. “The condition is now built. And for some reason the shape of the building is made to resemble the dome of a mosque,"said Samuel.

That said, in Plecutan and Pendileman that is, Prabu Tawang Alun was last seen. When the Dutch attacked the White Tiger, The invaders were unable to defeat the royal soldiers. Finally, The Netherlands takes advantage of the people. Namely, by spreading the kepeng money around the palace fence. “At that time people really wanted to get the money, finally the palace fence was torn down by the people," he said.

Seeing the incident, Tawang Alun at that time was very shy. He went out of his house towards the back of the house (whipping and dilemma). However, when the Dutch arrived at the place, Tawang Alun is gone. “That's where I was last seen. This was told by my ancestors who lived in the ruins of the Tawang Alun residence since the reign of the Regent of Pringgo Kusumo in 1860," explained Samsul..

However, continued Samsul, Tawang Alun in some sources is written dead and then his body is dingaben. This history is also Dutch intervention. The Netherlands at that time also stated that it would negotiate. However, at the same time also reported that Tawang Alun died because he was too old. "Even though, they attacked the White Tiger kingdom for refusing to be pitted against Mataram,"said Samuel. Meanwhile, Until now, residents around the former Palace often find the kepeng coins that were distributed by the Dutch at that time. (radar)