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Do not have KIS, Istianah's Grandma Has Never Been Treated

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BANYUWANGI – Nasib Istianah, 45, increasingly apprehensive. With conditions that continue to weaken, residents of Pekiringan Village, Sumbersari Village, Srono . District, Banyuwangi Regency, can only be treated at home.

Istianah who lives with her mother Samiah, 75, cannot be hospitalized because they do not have a Healthy Indonesia Card (SMALL). "I don't have KIS, only my mother has one,said Istiana.

Istianah admitted that the village government still proposed a referral so that an examination could be carried out at the hospital. While waiting for the proposal, it is by the head of Dusun Pekiringan, Sumbersari Village, Sumarno, asked to wait at home. "I'm waiting at home,He said.

Istianah said that all this time she worked in Bali as a junk collector. While working it, healthy condition. "I do not have child, while her husband died three years ago," he said.

Two months ago, light him, he came home and immediately fell ill. The first symptom experienced is nausea and not wanting to eat, headache, fever, sore throat, and mouth sores. "Coughing too often, often even diarrhea," he explained.

That symptom, he still said, never checked into a hospital or health center. Because, no charge for inspection. "I let it, because I have no money at all," he said.

His condition got worse on 10 yesterday. He could only lie in bed. To stand and walk, hard and often falls. "Right now I can only sleep, if you want to eat, ask your mother to get it,he explained.

Head of Sumbersari Village, Khamdan admitted that he had tried to refer Istianah to the hospital. But, now still making BPJS. "We can only help make recommendations to make BPJS, for KIS it is from the center,He said.

Khamdan said he was still looking for Istianah's population data. And it, can't be done quickly. "We need time to deal with it,"he said to Jawa Pos Radar Genteng.

As reported earlier this daily, the condition of poor people in Dusun Pekiringan, Sumbersari Village, Srono . District, this is really concerning. Besides living in a big house, mother and daughter Samiah, 75, and Istianah, 30, now both are sick.

Samiah whose condition is already old, complains of frequent aches and pains, sore, and coughing. While his only daughter, his body was getting thinner and weaker.

“This condition (Impeachment) it's been two months, I live here with this child only," explained Samiah.

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