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Find 69 Thousand Koplo Pills

WEAR A SHEET: Eight koplo pill dealers were secured at the Banyuwangi Police Headquarters.| BIKIN TELER: The Purwoharjo Police Chief shows tens of thousands of dextro pills found in an empty house in Curahpecak Hamlet, Purwoharjo yesterday (19/4).
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WEAR A SHEET: Eight koplo pill dealers were secured at the Banyuwangi Police Headquarters.| BIKIN TELER: The Purwoharjo Police Chief shows tens of thousands of dextro pills found in an empty house in Curahpecak Hamlet, Purwoharjo yesterday (19/4).

PURWOHARJO – The police are continuing to develop their investigation into eight G-list drug dealers, aka koplo pills, who were arrested by the Banyu-wangi Police Narcotics Unit last Tuesday. (16/4). After being searched, at the home of a suspect, police found 69 thousands of dextrome-thorphan type ko-plo pills (on the right).

Evidence items (BB) The police officers found the Purwoharjo Police in an empty house in Curahpecak Hamlet, Purwoharjo Village/District, around 22.15 yesterday. The location where the strong drug was found, which should only be consumed on a doctor's prescription, was only five houses away from Koderi's arrest, 38, local people. “Two days before, Koderi was arrested by officers at his home. He had admitted that this dextro pill was his,“said the Purwoharjo Police Chief, AKP Trijoko Setyonarso.

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