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6 How to Eliminate Phlegm on the Body Proven to Work

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How to get rid of phlegm – Tinea versicolor is sometimes a scourge for some people which can lower their confidence in appearing in public. Especially if the location is right on the face. Besides that, tinea versicolor also causes itching which sometimes feels endless and the location widens in a short time due to uncontrolled fungal growth. Therefore, many people want to immediately get rid of phlegm so that their skin becomes smooth as before.

Usually tinea versicolor is caused by white fungi and parasites, chocolate, red is also a little blackish attached to the skin. The itchiness of tinea versicolor will be felt when you are sweating. Worse yet, if we scratch it it will make phlegm even wider and sometimes cause irritation to the skin.

But don't worry because there are ways to get rid of phlegm on the body naturally in a short time, here's how:

1. Galangal

Galangal is a natural ingredient that can be used as a way to get rid of tinea versicolor naturally. The content in galangal is believed to be used to treat phlegm effectively. This natural ingredient contains sodium, iron, vitamin A, flavonoid, and several other ingredients that can inhibit the growth of skin fungus on the body.

To get rid of phlegm using galangal is also very easy. You just need to take fresh galangal, after that cut into pieces according to taste. Then rub the galangal on the affected skin phlegm for a while 5 minutes and then let stand and without rinsing at all. Do this twice a day so that phlegm disappears in a short time.

How to get rid of tinea versicolor using another method is to smooth the galangal until it is really soft. After that, mix it with 1 teaspoon of salt. Apply on tinea versicolor and let stand for 30 minute. Rinse with warm water, do this method twice a day so that your body is free from phlegm problems.

2. Starfruit

Carambola wuluh can not only be used as a thrush remedy but can also be used as a natural phlegm remover. Carambola wuluh is not only rich in vitamin C but also rich in glucoid, it forms an asam, peroxide, calcium oxalate, and much more.

To get rid of tinea versicolor using starfruit is also very easy. Prepare 1 starfruit fruit, cut into 4 part then rub it on the skin affected by phlegm problems. Let stand until completely dry on the skin.

3. Garlic

How to get rid of phlegm on the face naturally then you can use garlic. Garlic is not only used as a spice in the kitchen, but it is also used as a natural medicine to treat various health problems, one of them is phlegm.

If you are interested in using this natural ingredient then prepare it 1 cloves of garlic then cut into pieces, rub the garlic into the skin that is affected by tinea versicolor and then let it sit for a while 15 minute. After that rinse using warm water. This method is safe to do for babies who are not yet old 1 years because there are no side effects at all.

4. Coconut oil

Research conducted shows the fact that coconut oil was widely used by people in the past as a remover of phlegm in the body. The acid content in coconut oil is believed to be a resistance for the human body to counteract the growth of fungi, bacteria, parasite, and so on.

To get rid of phlegm using coconut oil is also very easy, namely by applying real coconut oil to the skin affected by phlegm problems and then letting it dry. Do this method three times a day so that phlegm quickly disappears.

5. Apple Vinegar

Next, to get rid of phlegm you can also use apple cider vinegar. Apple vinegar is not only useful for cooking, but it is also useful for removing phlegm on the face.

To get rid of phlegm using apple cider vinegar, You only need to apply apple cider vinegar to the skin on your face or other skin affected by tinea versicolor. After applying apple cider vinegar, let it sit for a while 15 minutes after that rinse using warm water. Do this regularly once a day.

6. Yoghurt

If you only know that yogurt is beneficial for digestion, then you are wrong. Because Yogurt can also be used as a natural ingredient to get rid of phlegm. In addition to containing natural probiotics, yogurt also contains vitamins B6 and B12, have proteins, riboflavin, calcium, and so on.

Nah, To get rid of tinea versicolor using yogurt, it is also very easy to apply because you only need to apply yogurt to the skin affected by tinea versicolor. Besides that, The content in yogurt can also be used as a control for fungi so they don't multiply and spread more and more on the skin. What you need to pay attention to when using Yogurt to overcome phlegm problems, do not use yogurt with a sweet taste. Use yogurt with a plain taste so that the results are more effective.

Causes of Panu

It is not uncommon for phlegm that has been treated to reappear. In addition, if it is too late to be treated, panu will widen and widen in no time. Because you need to know what causes it and why panu spreads quickly in the body. The main cause of phlegm and spreading on the skin is poor skin hygiene. Besides that, Phlegm can also arise as a result of using towels or clothes of other people who have phlegm problems.

Panu is a skin problem that is often complained of by the public. Although not a serious disease, this problem is quite disturbing. Because of that, Those of you who have phlegm problems must be treated immediately so that it doesn't spread to other parts of the body. Do the method of getting rid of tinea versicolor as described above on a regular basis because it is very effective and has been proven to get rid of phlegm from its roots.