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Habib Sych Promises to Appear Twice a Year in Banyuwangi

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BANYUWANGI – For Habib Syech bin Abdul Qodir Assegaf Banyuwangi has its own meaning. Habib Syech admitted that he really enjoyed the atmosphere and friendliness of the people of Bumi Blambangan. The cleric driving the salawat deliberately came back to Banyuwangi yesterday with his family.

Habib's children and wife also seem to enjoy while in Banyuwangi. “The food is delicious,"said Habib Syech during lunch at the Genjah Arum Studio, Gnawing, last Tuesday.

Seeing the friendliness and cohesiveness of the Banyuwangi people while participating in the Banyuwangi Bersalawat event at the Diponegoro Stadium last night, Habib Syech promised that next year he would perform in Banyuwangi twice.(radar)

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