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Avoid Misappropriation, Request Ceiling for More Details

BANYUWANGI – The risk of fraud in the process of New Student Admission (PPDB) seems to be the special attention of Committee IV DPRD Banyuwangi. The commission in charge of education has warned that schools should not carry out all forms of illegal levies on prospective students. Not only that, The council also urged the Education Office (Dispendik) convey the ceiling of each school in detail, because it is considered prone to abuse.

Chairman of Commission IV DPRD Banyuwangi, Zainal Arifin Salam says, if the ceiling is only set globally, For example, the number of new students for a stand-alone school pilot- from international (RSBI) as much 28 students per class, national standard school (RSN) 32 students per class, and regular school 36 students per class, without being accompanied by the exact number of students that the school can accept, of course it will be prone to- let go. "This is one of the areas of corruption".

So, we ask Dispendik to convey the ceiling of each school in detail,” he urged. Arifin Salam also urged the school committee not to make this up. Because, now people are getting smarter, so that it can observe all indications of irregularities in the PPDB process. one of the con- anyway, it is not uncommon for schools to coordinate new student uniforms at a price much more expensive than the market price.

Therefore, he urged the school not to coordinate- student uniform cloth rice. All the school can do is determine the specifications of the uniform motif and color. "As an example, the school determines the number of "A" fabric brands. If so, sure the color will be the same," he explained. Arifin confirms, if at the time of PPDB there were still schools coordinating student uniforms at prices above market prices, they will not hesitate to call the school.

“If anyone insists like that (selling uniforms at a price above the market price) we will brush,” he said. Confirmed separately, Head of Banyuwangi Dispendik, Sulihtiyono says, they are preparing technical instructions (technical guidelines) so that the implementation of PPDB runs objectively, transparent, and non-discriminatory. Besides that, Dispendik will send a circular to all schools so as not to withdraw funds from new students.

Sulihtiyono emphasized, schools are prohibited from intervening in student uniforms and school books. Schools caught doing things will be punished. "Uniforms and guardian's business book". Students can also use their sister's former uniform," he pleaded. Sulihtiyono added, they are still setting the ceiling for each school. The ceiling will be used as a reference for the school in implementing PPBD. (radar)