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Kaesang Meet Influencers in Malang City, This is what was discussed

Kaesang Meet Influencers in Malang City, This is what was discussed

General Chairperson of the PSI DPP Kaesang Pangarep held a political safari in Greater Malang. One of them is meeting the community and influencer at Olympic Garden Mall (MOG) Malang city.

Wearing a hat and shorts, Kaesang came to meet the community and influencer at one of the dining outlets on the third floor of MOG. Kaesang's presence was accompanied by central and regional PSI administrators.

Kaesang gave a code that he did not give information to the media after the meeting with the community and influencer. Kaesang said this when he seemed busy taking selfies with mall visitors.



Deputy Chair of the PSI Board of Trustees Grace Natalie said, Kaesang's meeting with the community and influencer is on the agenda for a visit to Malang. Previously, Kaesang came to An-Nur Islamic Boarding School 2 in Bululawang District, Malang Regency.

“This morning I went to An-Nur Islamic Boarding School, then this (MOG) eating with friends influencer. After this, there will still be further discussions with interfaith community leaders, Then we continue to Banyuwangi,” said Grace answering journalists' questions at MOG Jalan Kawi, Malang city, Monday (4/12/2023) afternoon.

Grace said that in a meeting between President Joko Widodo's youngest son and the community influencer discussing a lot of light things.

“All kinds of things (which is discussed) not serious, just have fun, not heavy,” said Grace.

“There was someone who created the content, indeed for political education, there were also many people joking around with each other, each other roasting-an. Chat about privilege the president's son, How followers-So that there are lots of people like Mas Kaesang, business tips, so just have fun,” he continued.

Watch Video “Kaesang's target in the elections 2024: PSI faction in Senayan

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