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DPR Commission II Regrets Poverty Fund K/L Rp 500 T Much Absorbed into Meetings

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Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (MenPAN-RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas mengungkapkan anggaran untuk pengentasan kemiskinan di kementerian dan lembaga hampir Rp 500 triliun tapi banyak diserap untuk studi banding dan rapat. Wakil Ketua Komisi II DPR RI Saan Mustofa menyayangkan hal tersebut.

Sangat disayangkan,” kata Saan saat dihubungi, Saturday (28/1/2023).

Saan mengatakan pihaknya akan memanggil KemenPAN-RB untuk meminta klarifikasi. Dia menyebut akan mendalami jika ternyata hal tersebut benar terjadi.

Nanti kita minta penjelasan dan klarifikasi KemenPAN-RB. Kalau apa yang disampaikan oleh MenPAN-RB benar, anggaran kemiskinan digunakan untuk studi banding nanti akan kita dalami,” he said.

Previously, Abdullah Azwar Anas menyoroti anggaran untuk pengentasan kemiskinan di kementerian dan lembaga hampir mencapai Rp 500 trillion. But, anggaran itu terserap ke studi banding dan rapat.

“Almost Rp 500 trillion of our budget for poverty budget spread across ministries and agencies (KL), but not in line with the target Mr. President because, K/L are busy with their own affairs,” said Anas, in the Socialization of PermenPANRB No.1/2023, at Grand Sahid Raya, Central Jakarta, seperti dilansir detikFinance, Friday (27/01/2023).

Anas menyayangkan anggaran disebut itu untuk program kemiskinan tapi terserap untuk rapat hingga studi banding. Dia menyebut studi banding itu dampaknya kurang.

“The program is poverty, but many are absorbed into poverty comparative studies. Many meetings about poverty. This I repeat again, imitating the President, and many poverty study programs and documentation so that the impact is less,” continued the former Banyuwangi Regent.

Anas menyebut, when supervision of governance is not observed, these conditions have the potential to continue to occur repeatedly. Therefore, one of the efforts he made was by issuing PermenPANRB No. 1/2023.

“What happened was when the end of the year was busy spending the budget even though it was not in line and had an impact on the President's priorities. So, This is the governance that we will be glaring at, not the help. So we will monitor the management,” Anas said.

Anas menyebut salah satu upayanya juga tercermin dari indeks penilaian reformasi birokrasi (RB) at the agency. Anas insists, now the RB value will refer to the impact on society. For example in terms of poverty alleviation, an increase in RB can be obtained if in the area there is a reduction in poverty. Now, everything becomes more measurable.

“For the RB to go up, you don't have to invite consultants and meetings at hotels so that your RB goes up. RB is impact, not just on paper. Friends at Kemen PANRB, kita rombak paradigmanya, This impact is what we measure,” he said.

Anas menambahkan bahwa dari segi efisiensi anggaran, pihaknya tengah mendorong peningkatan digitalisasi birokrasi. hope, events such as meetings held in hotels with a large number of invitees can be minimized. Events like this often cost a very large budget.

