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Monitor the Impact of Floods in Banyuwangi, Regent Ipuk Fiestiandani confirmed 4 Focus on Overcoming Puddles

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Journalist Report, Haorrahman

TRIBUNJATIM.COM, BANYUWANGI – Heavy rain that flushed the area Banyuwangi on Friday (10/2/2023) and Saturday (11/2/2023) cause a number of impacts.

Starting from the landslide of the Kalilo River bank in the MH Thamrin area, Pengantigan Sub-District to the floods that had hit settlements in the Kampungbaru environment, Panderejo Village, districts Banyuwangi.

This is directly monitored by the Regent Banyuwangi, Ipuk Fiestiandani on Sunday (12/2/2023) morning.

Ipuk Fiestiandani confirmed that the landslides and damaged public facilities would be repaired immediately.

"For public buildings and facilities that are damaged, will be dealt with soon,said Ipuk Fiestiandani when inspecting flood locations.

In addition to carrying out curative actions, Ipuk Fiestiandani also emphasized four things that are the focus of the district government in dealing with floods and inundations that often arise at any time heavy rain hit.

The first is the re-greening of areas that are rain catchment areas.

"We have made a regional regulation that regulates the conversion of land functions in the upper area. So that rice fields and gardens are not turned into housing complexes in a chaotic manner," bright Ipuk Fiestiandanik.

Not limited to that, Ipuk Fiestiandani also asked the plantation to re-plant the mountainside area with perennials.

“In the last few years, there is a change in the function of the land in the mountainside area which was previously planted with perennials, now switch to horticultural crops," explained Ipuk.

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“Relevant department will monitor later reforestation on the mountainside. We also do greening,” he added.

Further, said Ipuk, The second step in dealing with floods is to strengthen and increase the countermeasures along the riverbanks.

"This is a preventive step while solving problems upstream. Last year it was done at several points. This year it will be resumed," he explained.
