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The perpetrators of the stabbing of two plantation workers in Banyuwangi were arrested in serious injuries

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Journalist Report East Java Tribune Network, Aflahul Abidin

TRIBUNJATIM.COM, BANYUWANGI – Pelaku pembacokan dua buruh perkebunan di Kabupaten Banyuwangi finally caught, Saturday (6/5/2023).

The perpetrator with the initials S (51), inhabitant Barurejo Village, Siliragung District, Banyuwangi, it was captured in condition serious injury.

S, who is a fellow plantation worker, slashed two of his colleagues, BP (56) and S (40) in the Kalitelepak Plantation area, Banyuwangi, Thursday (4/5/2023).

As a result of the machete slash, BP died.

While S suffers serious injury to be hospitalized.

Head of Police Criminal Investigation Unit Banyuwangi, Corporal Agus Sobarnapraja explain, the police have formed a special team to hunt down the perpetrators who allegedly fled the plantation area.

For about three days, joint team of Satreskrim Polresta Banyuwangi and the Siliragung Police combed the plantation area which covers tens of hectares to hunt down the suspect.

“Tadi kami dapat informasi dari warga yang melihat pelaku. The team immediately came to the location and arrested the perpetrators," say Corporal Agus Sobarnapraja.

When found, the offender is in a dire condition.

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It experienced serious injury on the belly.

The torn wound in the stomach made the victim's internal organs visible.

Found the suspect's condition like that, the police immediately took him to the Genteng Hospital for treatment. From there, suspect referred to Blambangan Hospital Banyuwangi.

According to Corporal Agus Sobarnapraja, the suspect was found in a plantation area which was a short distance from the stabbing area 500 meter.


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