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display 15 Scene, Here's How Dutch Caucasians Killed His Ex-Wife in Banyuwangi

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Photo: beritajatimcom

BANYUWANGI – City Police Resort (Police) Banyuwangi is holding a reconstruction of the murder case of a woman by a Caucasian from the Netherlands, Hendrik Tibboel (56) in Gombengsari Village, Kalipuro District, Banyuwangi Regency, Wednesday (8/1/2020) morning.

Reported from beritajatimcom, in the re-creation of the actor who is usually called Mister Hend, he demonstrated 15 scene.

The reconstruction started when the perpetrator called the victim Nur Khofiani (42) residents of Panderejo Village, Banyuwangi District to come to his house.

Next, the victim entered the perpetrator's house and parked his motorbike in the back room of the house. Fourth scene, The victim entered the room with the perpetrator. In this room there is a bed, table, television and cupboards lined up.

Early start, The perpetrator told that he called the victim to his house. He intended to ask the victim to pay his debt.

“Dia bercerita kalau dia sudah bekerja di katering, I am pleased. Then I asked him to come to pay the money he borrowed. Because I need money,” ujarnya saat rekonstruksi.

"But, he replied that he wanted to pay for this (while showing women's genitals). Then, he undressed everything and fell asleep,” he added.

While watching tv, The perpetrator, who is also the victim's ex-husband, had time to chat. From that conversation he felt offended.

“Di sini sambil minum Coca-Cola, I asked him to talk about money instead he slept. Then, I paced confused. I grab the cable and choke it,He said.

After confirming death, this man also had time to wipe or clean the foam at the mouth and blood in the victim's ear. Then, he let her lie down naked.

"After that, I took a jerry can filled with gasoline and threw it into the back room. Then doused my body with gasoline in the upstairs room,” ucap Tibboel saat reka adegan di belakang rumah.

Until the last scene, he called local residents to take him to the hospital. Totally there 15 scenes performed during the reconstruction.

“Dalam reka adegan ini ada 15 scene, starting from the victim came, victim enters, talk to bed, until the perpetrator took the rope until the murder occurred,” kata Kapolresta Banyuwangi Kombespol Arman Asmara Syarifudin.

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