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Hundreds of Thousands of Banyuwangi Residents Receive Rp600 Thousand Basic Food Assistance

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BANYUWANGIKAB.GO.ID – Around 126 thousands of people in Banyuwangi, East Java registered as beneficiary family (KPM) social assistance grocery program/Non -Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) from the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.

As much 60 thousand of them, have now received the basic food assistance which was distributed directly through the Banyuwangi Post Office.

Different from the previous assistance in the form of basic food packages, This time the assistance was given directly in the form of cash. Each beneficiary, get cash Rp 600 thousand.

“This is for rations 3 month, January – March. So per month they are given Rp200 thousand, so the total is IDR 600 thousand. Hopefully useful for everyday,said Trian Nugroho, Head of Banyuwangi Post Office, Friday (4/3/2022).

He explained, The condition for taking this direct cash assistance is enough to bring your ID card and family card (KK).

A society that accepts, are those who are already registered in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) Ministry of Social Affairs.

So that the distribution can be completed according to the target, he targets per day to be able to distribute to around 9 thousand people.

If there is a recipient who is late in taking help from his schedule, then it can be picked up at post offices throughout Banyuwangi.

“Our distribution is done gradually. We have 25 tim, each team has 4 until 5 officer. Everyday, we target 9 thousands of recipients. I hope it will be finished soon,he explained.

Head of the Social Service for Women's Empowerment, Children and Family Planning, Henik Setyorini explained that the cash given to KPM should be used to buy food for daily needs.

Like rice, egg, spider fish, fruits, or other kitchen spices.

"People should spend the money to buy basic necessities to meet their daily needs". It is not allowed to buy secondary needs or necessities other than basic necessities, such as cigarettes or buying other consumptive. It's just called the basic food assistance program,” kata Henik.

For the purchase of groceries, he continued, Social assistance recipients can shop at the nearest e-warung or shop at home. "It can also be at the nearest people's market, what is important is basic food materials and daily food needs,” kata Henik.

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