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Willing to have intercourse with the biological father for the sake of the safety of the younger brother

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BANYUWANGI - Flowers (14), not his real name, who was fucked by his biological father, Abdul Rahman (34) residents of Songgon District, Banyuwangi apparently has a sad story related to the bitter events he experienced.

Flowers are willing to become the object of his father's lust for the sake of his younger brother. Bunga was threatened by her father that if she did not want to serve her lecherous lust, her sister would be in trouble.

“Ayahnya mengancam kalau tidak mau adiknya akan terkena musibah, because the victim is still small and innocent, forced the victim to comply with the suspect's invitation,” terang Kanit Reskrim Polsek Songgon, Aiptu Sukti.

As a result of his father's lecherous deeds, the victim who only graduated from elementary school was five months pregnant.

Previously reported, Abdul Rahman (34) Residents of Songgon Village, Songgon District, have the heart to fuck their own biological child who is still old 14 year.

The father gave vent to his lecherous lust when the victim was still in elementary school. The depraved act was uncovered when the victim complained of stomach pain and upon examination it turned out that the victim was pregnant.

To be held accountable for his depraved deeds, The suspect is currently languishing in the Songgon Police detention cell. (

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