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This woman works to clean people's homes naked, Rate IDR 934,000 Per Hour

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An English woman works as a cleaner for clients' homes naked at a rate of Rp. 934,000 per hour. Photo/New York Times/Illustration

LONDON – This woman from England works as an odd house cleaner, that is naked during work. He charges £ 50 or about Rp. 934,000 per hour.

Lottie Rae (32) running this unusual job to make extra money since years 2017.

She said in six years working as a house cleaner in the nude, he had a variety of clients—including nudists or naked people.

Rae, who describes himself as “free spirited” said the role had made him feel more confident and even said it empowered him.

“There are some scary people—a few people want me to clean up the book because they're going to get something else,” he said.

“I am clear, I'm just there to clean, but they will say that the other cleaners have become strippers,” he explained.

“The money sure helps. I wouldn't do it if I wasn't paid with financial incentives,” he added.

Having dabbled in side hustles like selling used clothes, Rae took her first job as a strip cleaner in October 2017 as a way to earn extra money.

Now he's mem-posting about his adventures on his Instagram account, @musings-from-a-naked-cleaner.
