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Work on the Breakwater Pancer Project is Speeding Up

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heavy-equipment-helps-unload-material-from-dump-truck-to-project-breakwater-in-port-Pancer,-Sumberagung Village,-District-Pesanggaran,-Banyuwangi,-yesterday

PESANGGARAN – Construction of a breakwater on the west side of Pancer Harbor, Sumberagung Village, Kecamatan Pesanggaran, now speeding.

Two heavy equipment every day seen working on the beach. Stockpiling of material in the form of large boulders continues. Project work worth Rp 4 billion, with a budget from the East Java Provincial Government, it becomes a spectacle for visiting residents. The fishermen hope that the project will not interfere with their lives.

“We hope it doesn't interfere with the fishermen's work,”Said Masori, 36, one of the fishermen of Pancer. The fishermen threatened to stop working on the project if it interfered with their work in fishing.

"If it disturbs us, we will stop making the breakwater,” he threatened. Meanwhile, one of the project implementers, Anang Bahtiar, 50, said that one of the goals of the breakwater construction was to block sediment entering from river mouths and piers. So that, fishing activities at the pier can take place well.

“So that the sediments don't enter the pier,he explained. At the moment, light him, activities are still focused on stockpiling using stone materials. Backfill length reaches 400 meters of total 800 planned meters.

“Length that is piled up is almost half,he explained. The backfill is expected to take quite some time. Work on the project will end at the end of the year 2016. "This will be implemented until the end of 2016," he explained. (radar)