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20 Undocumented Teak Trunk Found in Banyuwangi Vacant Land

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Illegal teak wood found in vacant land in Banyuwangi. (Photo: Rony Subhan/

JATIMNOW.COM – Timsus Forest Acting Union (KPH) South Banyuwangi conducts operations outside the forest area of ​​Perhutani KPH. The operation also involved police and military personnel. Result, the team found a pile of teak wood on an empty land.

Raids are routinely carried out because a lot of information on teak wood on land belonging to Perhutani has been lost due to looting.

The activity was carried out in the North Senepo RPH area, BKPH Pesanggaran, South Banyuwangi KPH. Including the area in Senepo Sepi . Hamlet, Barurejo Village, Siliragung District.

Sugito, one of the members of the South Banyuwangi KPH Timsus said:, a mobile operation with the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Siliragung Police and Danru Polmob found piles of glondongan teak wood.

“We found a pile of teak wood as much as 20 young, place in vacant lot,” he said, Tuesday (22/2/2022).

“When we find the wood, the owner is not in place. We find only wood,” he added.

While the Deputy Administrator/KSKPH (Waka Adm) Muchlisin Sabarna confirmed the finding of teak wood from vacant land owned by local residents but has not been monitored.

“Right, Yesterday, during a routine raid, we found teak wood on an empty land, but I still haven't done the data collection,” clear.

Evidence in the form of teak logs was immediately secured at the Ringintelu TPK, Banyuwangi Regency.

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