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Jember University alumni do a lot of work for society

Jember University alumni do a lot of work for society
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Poor, Jurnalnews – Jember University Alumni Family (IN BATTLE) stated that he was committed to contributing to Indonesian society, including his alma mater, through various innovations and works produced.

General Chairperson of KAUJE Central Leadership Muhammad Sarmuji in Malang City, East Java, Sunday (26/05/2024) say, that at the Jember University alumni reunion event, It is hoped that it will be able to awaken the potential of alumni to contribute to society.

"This is part of our effort to awaken the potential of Jember University alumni. Contribution to the alma mater and also to society,said Sarmuji.

Sarmuji explained, reunion event wrapped up with the implementation of the 2nd KAUJE National Happy Walk which was held in the Gajayana Stadium area, The city of Malang aims to bring out new energy from Jember University alumni.

According to him, Jember University graduates are a creative minority group who are able to blend into society and make real contributions. Jember University alumni, works a lot for the community.

"And we hope that Jember University alumni, become a creative minority, become an organic elite group, who blend into society and make a real contribution,He said.
Chairman of KAUJE Central Leadership Muhammad Sarmuji (kanan) taking a photo with the Main Director of the ANTARA National News Agency Perum Akhmad Munir, in KAUJE's 2nd National Happy Walk at Gajayana Stadium, Malang city, East Java, Sunday (26/5/2024). Antara / Vicki Febrianto

It adds, One form of contribution from Jember University alumni to society is by producing fortified rice which can help deal with stunting. The innovation, is real evidence of the contribution of one of Jember University's alumni.