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Man Nahnu Book Review 5: Worthy of being a reference for Banyuwangi students – Radar Banyuwangi

Man Nahnu Book Review 5: Worthy of being a reference for Banyuwangi students – Radar Banyuwangi
Register your email to Subscribe to news delivered directly to your mailbox – Latest edition of the book Man Nahnu work of the Director of Jawa Pos Radar Banyuwangi (JP-RaBa) Samsudin Adlawi was officially launched Friday (2/8). Launching as well as a book review entitled Man Nahnu 5: Raising Cintamani Banyuwangi” was held in the University auditorium 17 August 1945 (Untag) Banyuwangi.

Around 250 Participants from across elements took part in the book review. Starting from academic circles, student, literacy activist, general public, to administrators and members of the Nahdlatul Ulama Scholars Association (ISNU) Banyuwangi.

A book containing a collection of Samsudin's writings during the period of publication of the JP-RaBa newspaper 2023 and 2024 It is discussed by three figures, namely the Chairman of Perpenas Banyuwangi Sugihartoyo, Deputy Chairman of the Branch Leadership Expert Council (PC) ISNU Banyuwangi Dr. Kurniyatul Faiza, and Chairman of the Blambangan Arts Council (DKB) Hassan Basri. This book review was moderated by Deputy Chancellor I Untag Mahfud.

The book is thick 289 containing page 59 The title of the article was discussed for approximately three hours. Various responses emerged in the book review. Audiences gave mixed responses to the author. Starting from how the book is arranged to the philosophy of choosing the book title Man Nahnu that fifth edition.

Deputy Chancellor II Untag Zaenudin Imam said, writing and descriptions in books Man Nahnu always brings readers to open their horizons about Banyuwangi. Good from an economic point of view, social, culture, and others. So that, opens the reader's eyes to see the potential of Banyuwangi from a different angle.


BOOK REVIEW: From left, Samsudin Adlawi, Chairman of Perpenas Sugihartoyo, ISNU PC Leadership Council Member Representative Dr Kurniyatul Faiza, and DKB Chairman Hasan Basri and moderator Mahfud (Ramada Kusuma)

"With a distinctive writing style and inspiring content, Hopefully this book can bring Banyuwangi as the title suggests. Rubbing the Banyuwangi Jewel so that its shine spreads throughout the world," he said.

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Chairman of Perpenas Banyuwangi Sugihartoyo said, The choice of white on the book cover conveys a neutral message from the author. The Banyuwangi map logo on the cover of the book also shows the author's love for Banyuwangi.

Meanwhile, from the writing side, according to Sugihartoyo, book Man Nahnu contains readings in a popular style, but relax. According to him, this is quite enjoyable for readers who can enjoy it anywhere. "I want to read it at the office, in the car, This is still delicious because the diction is relaxed,he said.

In terms of writing themes, Sugihartoyo explains all aspects of Samsudin's writings in the book Man Nahnu 5 this. Start writing in a descriptive style, nuanced like an editorial, criticism, to the writer's experience. Like when you were in Türkiye, Samsudin in his writing seems to invite readers to enjoy this Balkan country.

"If read properly and correctly, we will see complete information and educate us all. This book contains devotional contemplation in short form. With the ultimate goal of inviting Banyuwangi to become bigger, more useful, and more honorable," he said.

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Meanwhile, the breadth of discussion in the book Man Nahnu making surgeons hope that the book can be accessed by the world of education in Banyuwangi. Deputy Head of ISNU Banyuwangi PC Council of Members Dr Kurniyatul Faiza said, It would be a shame if this book was only consumed by an elite group.

Therefore, Faiza suggested that the book could be consumed by students at school. "This book can be used as material for local content. We also don't just rely on the diaspora to promote Banyuwangi outside the region. This book could be used as material to be taken out of Banyuwangi as a record of the treasures of Banyuwangi," he said.

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From a cultural perspective, There are various things that according to DKB Chairman Hasan Basri are written in Man Nahnu. First post Banyuwangi Prestigious Achievement for Hasan is something that is considered risky. Because, contains writings praising Banyuwangi's achievements which are considered not "sexy" by readers.

But from his point of view, this actually becomes a new teaching to the reader. How to praise other people's success, Moreover, leadership becomes a form of relief.

There are also written chapters which, according to Hasan, contain cultural reflections that are now starting to disappear. Like the atmosphere of Ramadan in the past which is now completely gone.

"The author's sensitivity in seeing events, see certain phenomena, then making it into writing requires sensitivity and sharp analysis,he explained.

The Regent of Ipuk Fiestiandani Azwar Anas also conveyed a positive impression. Ipuk was the main speaker (keynote speaker) yesterday's book review said, He always read every article in the book.

Ipuk almost never misses monitoring Banyuwangi's developments from Samsudin Adlawi's point of view. "Every time it is broadcast, Pak Samsudin always sends me the contents of his writing, so I have read almost the entire book Man Nahnu 5 this,"Account".

Ipuk said, There are many things that can be learned from each of Samsudin's writings. Apart from the development of Banyuwangi from the perspective of a writer who is also a cultural observer and former journalist, Ipuk also felt the criticism given by Samsudin Adlawi's writings.

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Although there is criticism there, Ipuk said he could understand the message given without feeling offended or irritated by the content of the writing.

That's what finally made Ipuk feel Man Nahnu need to be introduced to students in Banyuwangi so that it can encourage those who refuse to write to like writing and those who don't like to read eventually become like to read.

"I think the Education and Library Service can create a program to produce new Pak Samsudin-Pak Samsudin from our children. Because many of them nowadays are lazy to write. And I think Pak Samsudin will never run out of ideas in his writing," said Ipuk.

Meanwhile, writer Man Nahnu 5 Samsudin Adlawi said, The most difficult part of writing the book was how to write down the memories of what he observed into notes.

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Plus, Man Nahnu has been written in its own style. So even though it contains criticism, Man Nahnu still acceptable to everyone. "In the book Man Nahnu, those who are criticized do not feel angry because the writing is read in sarcastic language, but still has a literary nuance,said Samsudin.

This alumnus of Malang State University consistently publishes books Man Nahnu in the year 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, and 2024. Samsudin hopes, In the future, this book could become a document for Banyuwangi travels. So that, anyone who wants to research the face of Banyuwangi in that period 2014 until 2024 can use Man Nahnu as a reference in their research.